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Egypt’s Blockade of Gaza

Instead of pointing the finger of blame at Israel, it is time for the international media and community to put pressure on Egypt to relief the humanitarian and economic crisis in the Gaza Strip… Read more

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Prime Minister Erdogan Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Israel should realize that it is not possible to sustain the state of perpetual conflict and confrontation… Continue reading

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Demonizing Israel and Pretending It Is Ordinary Criticism

This is getting to be a pretty common kind of story. The mayor of Frankfurt invites a Jewish intellectual whose family left Germany in 1932 to speak on the anniversary of Kristallnacht. The problem is that this man, Alfred Grosser, is a ferocious critic of Israel… Continue reading

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The Arab Lobby: The European Component

In the early 1980s, there was a palpable concern among staffers at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) of the looming rise of an Arab-American lobby aimed at challenging the pro-Israel community. The National Association of Arab-Americans (NAAA), founded in 1972, was at a high point, and in… Continue reading