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The Hypocrisy of the Irish Teachers Boycott of Israel

The Teachers’ Union of Ireland became the first European trade union involved with education and academia to adopt a resolution calling on its members to cease all cultural and academic collaboration with Israel… Continue reading

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BDS and the Jewish Studies Trap

BDS movement demanding Israel’s extinction… Continue reading

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Bishops must break silence on Trócaire

Dr Mark Dooley has written a follow up to his Trócaire article that was posted here a few days ago… Continue reading

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TróCAIRE has no business in Israel fight

An excellent article by Mark Dooley explaining how Trócaire is a funding mechanism for radical left-wing activism…. Continue reading

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The EU at war with Israel: The prospect of an Irish-led EU-wide boycott

The moral hypocrisy behind a boycott of Jewish West Bank settlements… Continue reading

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Yet another low point in the BDS Movement

Delegates at the recent General Convention of the United Methodist Church approved a resolution calling for a boycott of Israeli goods made in the West Bank… Continue reading

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Norway’s Jewish problem

In the wake of Anders Breivik’s massacre of his fellow Norwegians, I was amazed at the speed with which the leftist media throughout the… Continue reading

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Why Does Scandinavia Hate Jews?

Once a haven for Jews, Sweden is a hotbed of anti-Semitism. Norway is just as bad. What does that say about Europe… Continue reading

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The Anti-Israel “Global BDS Day of Action”

BDS, an umbrella network striving to boycott Israel, is holding a global “Day of Action” in solidarity with the Palestinian… Continue reading

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“Israeli Apartheid Week”: Part of the Global Campaign to Delegitimize Israel

An extensive anti-Israeli propaganda campaign called “Israeli Apartheid Week” will take place across Europe and North America in March 2011. Going back to… Continue reading

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The Israel Apartheid Week: Codes of Incitement

Israel Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual event. Its purpose is to virally spread the demonization and the delegitimization of the Jewish State. This year… Continue reading

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NGO Monitor: HRW Again Distorts Middle East Conflict

Yesterday, we published an article about the latest Human Rights Watch report, “Separate and Unequal: Israel’s Discriminatory Treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”, accusing Israel of… Continue reading

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HRW Slams Israel’s ‘Discrimination’ and Endorses Boycott

Human Rights Watch released a report today accusing Israel of “harshly discriminating against Palestinian residents, depriving them of basic necessities while providing lavish amenities for Jewish settlements… Continue reading

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Academics Boycott the Truth

Don’t academics seek objective truth? Academics, intellectuals—even journalists—are, presumably, concerned with objective truth and trained to recognize and avoid bias or extreme distortion. Read about a study that proved just the opposite… Continue reading

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VNG Weigert Israelische Burgemeesters te Ontvangen

De weigering van de Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG) en het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken een delegatie van Israelische burgemeesters te ontvangen is contraproductief, betoogt CIDI-directeur Ronny Naftaniel in het Nederlands Dagblad. Het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken… Lees verder