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The Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab World and Islamic Communities in Western Europe

This study examines the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other Arab countries in the wake of the past year’s regional uprisings… Continue reading

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Tehran dismisses Western threats to impose sanctions on import of oil from Iran

Iran dismissed the threats increasingly made by European countries to impose new sanctions on its petroleum industry… Continue reading

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Letter from Prague: What The Betrayal of Czechoslovakia in 1938 Can Teach Us About The World and Israel Today

Visiting the Czech Republic prompts thoughts of the 1938 Munich agreement… Continue reading

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PM David Cameron Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

The people of the Arab world have made their aspirations clear… Continue reading

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Libya: Qaddafi regime falls in Tripoli

Muammar Qaddafi’s regime fell in Tripoli just before midnight Sunday… Continue reading

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A Tainted Alliance: The Rise and Fall of American Influence in Iran

The memory of centuries of foreign manipulation and interference is a constant factor in the foreign and domestic policy of modern Iran… Continue reading

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Obama’s Ludicrous Proposal to Israel Unpacked

Could President Barack Obama’s strategy possibly be more obvious to Israel… Continue reading

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How Many U.S. Presidents Supported Israel?

President Obama, do you know how many U.S. Presidents supported a Jewish National Home in Palestine… Continue reading

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23 Anti-Israel Organizations Affiliated with Radical Islam and Radical Left Participate in the Upcoming Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza

The IHH website recently posted a provisional list of 23 organizations which have signed up for Freedom Flotilla 2… Continue reading

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Tell Me What They’re Reading and I’ll Tell You Who Will Win?

There’s an interesting point about pre-World War One Europe that applies very well to today’s international situation as well… Continue reading

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Iranian Media and the Royal Wedding in Britain

Iran’s media used the occasion of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding, held in London last weekend, to once again slam Iran’s historic enemy… Continue reading

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Obama’s Libyan Strategy: Recipe for a Deeper, Lengthier U.S. Military Role

In his Libya address to Americans early Tuesday, March 29, President Barack Obama failed to resolve the inner contradictions in… Continue reading

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UN Intervention into Libya an Ominous Precedent for Israel

There are many reasons to be worried about the bridge-leap the Obama Administration has just undertaken in its war with Muammar Gaddafi… Continue reading

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Hamas ordered five Israelis murdered following secret Islamist Khartoum parley

The Itamar attack was the first result of an Iran-funded secret conference in Khartoum last week of the heads of the national branches of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Arab world… Continue reading

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Palestinian Return Centre: anti-Israeli Propaganda Center Affiliated with Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) is a Palestinian center for anti-Israeli propaganda, established in London in 1996. It is affiliated with Hamas and… Continue reading

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Changes in the Middle East? Much More Never Changes at All

In 1938 the Saudi diplomat Hafiz Wahbah secretly met with Zionist leader (and future Israeli prime minister) David Ben-Gurion… Continue reading

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Reactions in Iranian Media to Failure of Istanbul Nuclear Talks

Iranian media blamed the West for the failure of the nuclear talks between Iran and G5+1 in Istanbul last weekend. Tehran Emrooz, a daily affiliated with the pragmatic conservative… Continue reading

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Germany Banned the anti-Israeli Movie “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine”

Germany banned the distribution of the anti-Israeli movie “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine,” which was supposed to premiere on January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day… Continue reading

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Iran’s Conservative Press Blames West for Political Crisis in Lebanon

Iran’s conservative press blamed Western countries for the political crisis in Lebanon, saying they derailed the Syrian-Saudi initiative which attempted to find a solution to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Retaliation Planned after Iran Jammed BBC Broadcasts

Embassy London Iran Watcher (poloff) met February 3 (2010) with Jaime Turner, Deputy Head of Multi-lateral Affairs at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Iran Group to discuss… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Lockerbie Bomber Released after Gaddafi’s Threats Against UK

The British government’s deep fears that Libya would take “harsh and immediate” action against UK interests if the convicted Lockerbie bomber died in a Scottish prison are revealed in secret US embassy cables which show London’s full… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Ahmadinejad Ordered Capture of British Servicemen ‘For Domestic Reasons’

In conversations with foreign ministry officials in Brunei, US diplomats hear what their counterparts believe was behind the capture of 15 British servicemen and women by Iran earlier in the month. The Brunei officials say they think… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: UK – We’re Not Importing Moderate Imams

A Home office official plays down press reports concerning British plans to “import” moderate Pakistani imams as part of efforts to reduce the terror threat in the UK… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: A quickfire Tour of Muslim Britain

Two US officials dip into Muslim communities in Luton, Leicester and east London and are struck by the range of opinions and cultures on display… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Britain Making Little Progress in Engaging Muslim Community

Britain made “little progress” in reaching out to Muslim communities despite investing “considerable time and resources” after the 7/7 London bombings in 2005, US diplomats concluded in cables passed to… Continue reading