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WikiLeaks: Swiss Citizens Back in Libyan Custody

Swiss Charge Stefano Lazarotto confirmed that the two Swiss citizens – held in Libya for more than a year – had been detained by… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Swiss Charge Optimistic on Release of Two Businessmen Detained in Libya

Swiss Charge Stefano Lazarotto remains optimistic about the release of two Swiss businessmen who have been detained in Libya… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Swiss President Merz Apologizes to Libya for Hannibal Gaddafi Arrest

In a bid to win the freedom of two Swiss citizens who have not been permitted to leave Libya for over a year, Swiss President… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.K.’s Briefing on Terminated BAE/Saudi Arabia Foreign Bribery Case

During a three-day meeting in January 2007 of the OECD Working Group on Bribery, a separate session of the meeting was devoted to the U.K.’s termination… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Afghan Tribal Elders Threaten to ‘Fight NATO like the Soviets’

US diplomats in Afghanistan continually warned that night raids against insurgents by special forces had dramatically eroded public support for the Nato mission… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Saudis fear ‘Shia triangle’ of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan

America is often portrayed as the big dog in Pakistan’s yard: a swaggering power that makes rules, barks orders and throws its weight around… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Yemen President Saleh says Foreign Forces are Wrecking his Country

President Saleh tells the US that from the UK, Qatar and Libya aiding the southerners, to Iran and Hezbollah engineering the Houthi rebellion… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iranian Outreach to Latin America

Washington analysts assess that Tehran is reaching out to Latin American countries in order to reduce its diplomatic isolation and increase ties to leftist… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Jordan’s New Cabinet First Step towards Anti-Corruption Reform

The government of newly appointed Prime Minister Samir Rifai has issued a series of circulars aimed at illustrating a break… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Gaddafi Risked Nuclear Disaster in Libya after UN Slight

A potential “environmental disaster” was kept secret by the US last year when a large consignment of highly enriched uranium in Libya came close to cracking open… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Saudi Arabia Rated a Bigger Threat to Iraqi Stability than Iran

Iraqi government officials see Saudi Arabia, not Iran, as the biggest threat to the integrity and cohesion of their fledgling democratic state… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Al-Jazeera Changed Coverage to Suit Qatari Foreign Policy

Qatar is using the Arabic news channel al-Jazeera as a bargaining chip in foreign policy negotiations by adapting its coverage to suit other foreign… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iran Elections, Disarray in Both Conservative and Reformist Camps, Moussavi too Unknown for Many

Iranian analysts in Iran and the UK see no clear trends or emerging patterns in the campaigns of candidates for President in the run… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt’s Increasing Efforts to Combat Hamas-Related Smuggling Activity

The government of Egypt claims to have increased its efforts against Hamas-related smuggling activity, and reports recent success in… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egyptian Society “Radicalized”, “Violence” between Muslims and Copts Regular Occurrence

Wael Aboul Magd told the delegation that “societal violence” between Muslims and Copts is a regular occurrence, but Naga Hamadi had forced Egyptian society to… Continue reading

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Swiss: Ben Ali Son-In-Law Wanted Residency

Former Tunisian president Ben Ali’s son-in-law Sakher Matri had requested a residency permit for Geneva, apparently to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: ‘Internecine Warfare’ in the Gaddafi Family

The leader of the Libyan revolution presides over a “famously fractious” family that is powerful, wealthy, dysfunctional and marked by internecine struggles… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: A Gaddafi Family Portrait

US embassy cables shed light on Gaddafi family – including son Saif al-Islam, who vowed in TV address to eradicate enemies… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Kurdish Leader Discusses 2009 Turkish Local Elections

In an April 22 roundtable at Chatham House on Turkey’s recent elections, Kurdish political leader Ahmet Türk gave prepared remarks and took… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Anti-Semitism on the Wane in Russia

Russia has recently shown clear signs of throwing off its long and tragic history of anti-Semitism. In the past several years… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: No Evidence of Iran’s Hand in Bahrain Simmering Unrest

The United States has repeatedly dismissed claims by the Bahraini government that Shia Muslim unrest in the Gulf island state is backed by Iran… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt Not Cracking Down on Gaza Smuggling

ISA Director Diskin said the ISA had provided detailed information on smuggling networks, but the Egyptians had failed to take action… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt’s Military Will Ensure Transfer of Power

NDP insider and former minister Dr. Ali El Deen Hilal Dessouki said Egyptian military and security services would ensure a smooth transfer of power, even to a civilian… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Schizophrenic Nature of Syrian Foreign Policy

The schizophrenic nature of Syrian foreign policy once again reared its ugly face… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: “Syria is not in the pocket of anybody”

Summing up a lengthy presentation on Syria’s 30-year relationship with Iran, Muallim [Syria’s foreign minister] asserted Syria’s position was motivated by… Continue reading