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Cairo Conference in Support of Arab Minority in Khuzestan Provokes Anger from Iran

Cairo conference to support Arab minority in Khuzestan region stirs up Arab-Sunni and Persian-Shia animosity… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: El Baradei Returns to Cairo

More than 1,000 supporters converged on Cairo International airport to greet Mohamed ElBaradei… Continue reading

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Who Killed The Next One Hundred People Like Rafiq Tagi? You Did

Can a single moderate whether secularist or someone who wants to interpret Islam in a more liberal way feel safe… Continue reading

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Strategic Notes on the Gilad Shalit Prisoner Exchange

There are some substantial misunderstandings on the nature of the Gilad Shalit exchange deal… Continue reading

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Embassy Attack: The enemy of our enemy is our friend

Israeli advocacy groups often lament that the world hates Israel… Continue reading

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An Egyptian Mob Attacks Israel’s Embassy and Captures the Egyptian Revolution

How is Egypt’s revolution different from a real democratic revolution, as in Eastern Europe… Continue reading

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Once More Into the Swamp: The Attack on Israel’s Embassy Opens A New Era in Middle East History

The attack and looting of Israel’s embassy in Cairo is an event as significant as the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Iran… Continue reading

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Netanyahu Following the Embassy Attack in Cairo: “We continue to keep the peace with Egypt”

Hours after a mob attacked Israel’s embassy in Cairo, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, says Israel will continue… Continue reading

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Israel regrets Egypt deaths, strives to reduce tension between Jerusalem and Cairo

Israel’s defense minister Barak issued a public statement of Israeli regret for the deaths of Egyptian policemen in the course of a terrorist attack… Continue reading

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Egypt: anti-Israel and pro-Terrorism Conference held in Cairo

Cairo recently hosted a conference in support of terrorism. It was attended by Palestinian and Shi’ite terrorist organizations… Continue reading

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When will Egypt go broke?

With demonstrators back on Tahrir Square in Cairo, Western media outlets once again are focused on the demands of urban protesters… Continue reading

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The structure and funding sources of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed in Egypt since the 1950s. Consequently, it has created an organizational structure designed to… Continue reading

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Obama At AIPAC: Beneath The Flattery, He Revealed His Indifference to Israel’s Needs and His Tilt Against It

I expected President Barack Obama’s AIPAC speech would be a bunch of feel-good clichés to persuade the audience that he is… Continue reading

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President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa Speech, May 19, 2011

Official release of President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech… Continue reading

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By The End of This Year Egypt Might Be Run By a Radical Islamist Regime

I’m not saying this lightly. For the first time, there is serious evidence not only for an Islamist-controlled parliament but even… Continue reading

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Massive Anti-Israel Rally in Egypt Organized by…Facebook

Repeatedly we were told about the alleged absence of anti-Israel rhetoric and signs in Tahrir square during the revolution. I don’t think it was true… Continue reading

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The Main Points of the Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation Agreement

On May 3 a reconciliation agreement was signed in Cairo between Fatah and Hamas. The signing was attended by… Continue reading

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Israel’s New Neighbor Egypt: Radical Nationalist President; Islamist-Dominated Parliament

Amr Moussa, probably Egypt’s next president, has given a comprehensive picture of his views, a foretaste of the likely policies… Continue reading

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“Intifada of Unity”: Iranian Press and its Support for the Palestinian Reconciliation Agreement

The Hamas-Fatah reconciliation agreement achieved in Cairo last week was enthusiastically supported by Iran… Continue reading

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Egypt: Amr Moussa Vows Tough Israel Policy if Elected President

Amr Moussa, the outgoing Arab League chief and leading candidate for Egypt’s presidency, said Friday that if elected he would break with… Continue reading

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Egypt: Situation Deteriorating Badly and Rapidly, More Muslim Attacks on Egyptian Christians

In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians the New York Times informs us… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy Toward Palestinian Authority-Hamas Deal: Any Change Coming?

Here’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Hamas-Palestinian Authority deal… Continue reading

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Fatah-Hamas Agreement: Another Nail in the “Peace Process’s” Coffin

Suddenly, after years of persistent failure, Fatah and Hamas — which means the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas — have signed a… Continue reading

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Hamas Fires More Grads and Mortars at Southern Israeli Towns Saturday

Saturday, April 9, Hamas and its allies, acting now on Hizballah guidelines from Lebanon, fired 24 heavy Grad missiles and more than… Continue reading

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Israel and Hamas Near a Spring War

After nearly two months of rising tension, Israel and Hamas have taken a step towards a full-blown military confrontation… Continue reading