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Mubarak Promises to Install New Government

Mubarak not stepping down, will appoint new government on Saturday. “I have asked the government to present its resignation today”… Continue reading

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Massive Demonstrations in Egypt; curfew announced

Military deploys in Cairo after mass demonstrations against President Mubarak claim lives of man and woman, al-Jazeera reports. Former IAEA chief ElBaradei placed under house arrest… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Defense Minister Bids for US Backing in Washington

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has sent his defense minister Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi to Washington with an urgent request for US backing for his embattled… Continue reading

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Letter From President Roosevelt to King Ibn Saud, April 5, 1945

In February 1945, following the Yalta Conference with Stalin and Churchill, President Roosevelt and King Ibn Saud met aboard the U.S.S. Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake of the Suez Canal. During the meeting, instigated by President Roosevelt… Continue reading

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Operatives of a Hezbollah Group Sentenced to Prison Terms

On April 28, the State Security Court in Cairo, Egypt, issued sentences to 26 operatives of a Hezbollah network. The network was planning to perpetrate attacks against tourist sites and groups of Israeli tourists in Sinai, and to smuggle weapons… Continue reading

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The ElBaradei Candidacy

The seemingly interminable reign of President Hosni Mubarak has suppressed Egypt’s domestic political scene for decades. In recent weeks, however, Egyptians have been expressing tempered enthusiasm that political change may be in the air. Their inspiration: the man whom the West should blame if Iran gets a nuclear weapon… Continue reading

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McMahon – Husayn Correspondence (1915-1916)

At the awakening of Arab Nationalism and the start of the first World War (1914-1918), the European Governments attempted to gain the sympathies of the Arabs with promises of independence from the Ottoman Empire and other foreign powers… Continue reading