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Iran: After Posing Nude, Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani No Longer Welcome in her Home Country

The controversy sparked by Aliaa Magda ElMahdy after posting a nude photo she took of herself on her blog is followed by another controversial posting of a nude photograph… Continue reading

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Iran: the fight for the veil

Former top advisor to President Ahmadinejad said in an interview that the chador (the long veil used in Iran) is inappropriate for Iranian women… Continue reading

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Do Egyptians Want a Relatively Secular, Stable Democracy?

Here is the real issue: What do the masses want? Remember, it is the people of Egypt — especially in an election — that will determine the outcome, not just… Continue reading

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More Iranian Posters to Persuade Women to Wear a Hijab

If you’re a regular visitor to our website, you’ll probably know that we published an article on August 09, 2010 about an Iranian website promoting chastity and hijab by using posters, clothes and bags. We also showed you some posters which they use for their promotional activities, because it gives us a… Continue reading

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Iranian Posters to Persuade Women to Wear a Hijab

Forcing women to wear a Hijab is seen as a far greater virtue in Iran’s Shi’ism and Saudi’s Wahhabism than the freedom of choice, freedom of self-expression and… Continue reading

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The Failure of Western Feminists to Address Islamist Abuse

Modern Western feminists have been brought up with the luxuries of higher education, something that has been denied to many women in the Muslim world. The Taliban refused to allow women… Continue reading

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Boerka Verbod en de Ontmenselijking van Vrouwen

Daniel Greenfield heeft een uitstekend artikel geschreven over de betekenis van de Boerka in de islamitische samenleving en waarom wij de Boerka moeten verbannen uit onze Westerse samenleving… Continue reading