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Description of the Al-Nusra Front’s Military Activity

The Al-Nusra Front combines guerilla warfare against the Assad regime, the Syrian army and security apparatuses with indiscriminate acts of terrorism against civilians… Continue reading

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Walid Al-Moualem, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic, Addresses General Assembly, 68th session, 2013

Walid Al-Moualem, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, Addresses General Assembly, 68th session, 2013

Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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Russia-Iran Axis Gets Access

Has Obama’s Syria policy backfired?… Continue reading

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Syrian Diplomacy?

Since an attack is unlikely, what difference does that make?… Continue reading

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How to Tell the “Good Guys” in Syria

Or… do we know who the bad guys are?… Continue reading

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U.S. Attack on Syria Won’t Change Anything

What’s the purpose of attacking Syria?… Continue reading

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America’s Impending Defeat in Syria

Is America going to fight a full-scale war in Syria… Continue reading

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Why Israel Attacked A Syrian Base

Israel forces carried out a strike overnight on a convoy coming from Syria in the Lebanon-Syria border area… Continue reading

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Special Operations Team Hit Top Iranian-Hamas Arms Smugglers in Sudan

In accusing Israel of killing the two passengers of a Hyundai Sinai near Port Sudan Tuesday, April 5, the Sudanese Foreign Minister… Continue reading