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Post-Election Turkey: Now What?

No one among Turkey’s politicians wants an early election… Read more

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Bluff and Bravado: Turkey’s Long Presidential Campaign

President Abdullah Gül criticized the government of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan for its failure to push ahead with Turkey’s bid for EU membership and protested the continuing imprisonment of seven elected opposition members of the assembly… Continue reading

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Will Erdogan be Elected President in 2012, Two Years Earlier than Anticipated?

Turkey may be headed toward an unexpected presidential election in August 2012, as the Constitutional Court is set to rule on the constitutionality of a temporary law… Continue reading

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No Escape from Authoritarianism? Turkey Suffers from the Lack of a Constituency for Liberal Change

Turkey’s old habits of state authoritarianism persist under the rule of the AKP… Continue reading

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Has Erdogan Reached His “Democratic Limits”?

Internal and external dynamics no longer compel Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to transcend his democratic limits… Continue reading

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Will Turkey Get a New Constitution that is a Societal Compact, and not a Dictate of the State?

The new constitution of Turkey needs to be societal compact that reflects the pluralism of society… Continue reading

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Hizballah Leader Nasrallah: we can fight Israel without aid from Iran or Syria

Nasrallah assured Hizballah troops they are capable of fighting Israel without Iranian or Syrian help… Continue reading

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Will the CHP, Turkey’s Main Opposition Party, Ever Become a Relevant Political Alternative?

The Republican People’s Party (CHP), Turkey’s main opposition party, will have to adopt a whole new discourse and appropriate a new political… Continue reading

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Turkey and Syria: a Parting of Ways

The turmoil in Syria threatens to deprive Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party of one of its most significant foreign policy achievements… Continue reading

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Tough Times Ahead in Search of Turkey’s New Soul

Polarizing the society over religious and cultural identities has been the power tactic of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) almost all along… Continue reading

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A Divisive Campaign in a Polarized Turkey

The June 12 general election was historic as it was the first general election in Turkey over which the shadow of the military… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Urbanization: The Secret Behind AKP’s Third Consecutive Electoral Success

At 12 June’s general election, Turkey’s governing Justice and Development party (AKP) pulled off a rare political hat trick… Continue reading

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Turkish Election: Voter Fraud?

Daniel Pipes wrote an article asking if the June 2011 election would be the last free and fair election in Turkey… Continue reading

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Turkish Military High Command, Armed Forces Takes A Step Toward Islamism

Compare the election results from voters in the Turkish army general staff to that of the overall population… Continue reading

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The Outcome of the Turkish Election: Exclusive Report From Istanbul

This assessment is a bit more optimistic than mine, suggesting ways to limit the new government’s power… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Election: An Islamist Revolution

By the end of 2011 more than 250 million people in the Middle East may well be living under what are in reality anti-American Islamist governments… Continue reading

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Turkish Election: Islamism Triumphant

The AKP got almost everything it wanted. It will be in power for four more years, infiltrating institutions, producing a new constitution… Continue reading

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Erdogan headed for significant Win as Turks cast Votes

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan is expected to return to office for a third consecutive term as Turks began voting… Continue reading

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Turkey’s June 12 Elections

This Sunday, Turks go to the polls for parliamentary elections that will determine their next government… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Election: Last Exit Before Toll

Because Turkey’s election Sunday is of such huge importance, not only for Turkey but for the region as a whole, Western interests, Israel, and… Continue reading

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Above the Threshold, Below the Belt: the Video Campaign Against the MHP

An internet website began broadcasting secretly-recorded videos of six members of the Turkish MHP engaging in extramarital sexual relations… Continue reading

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Is the AKP that “Vanquished” the Military Caught in the Trap of Militarism?

There is a grim irony to the fact that while the AKP’s 2007 victory represented a defeat for the military, victory four years later requires… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Threshold

Turkey faces what could be historic elections on June 12. Opinion polls suggest the ruling Justice and Development Party… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Election Manifesto: The Silences That Ring Alarm Bells

In late April 2011, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) announced their manifestos… Continue reading

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Turkey Should Block Gaza Aid Convoy to Avert New Crisis

Who is to blame for the Mavi Marmara incident, May 31, 2010? The Turkish government immediately… Continue reading