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Congress Gets Tough on Palestinian Authority; Obama Administration Doesn’t

But why is Congress taking the lead on this threat… Continue reading

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How Many U.S. Presidents Supported Israel?

President Obama, do you know how many U.S. Presidents supported a Jewish National Home in Palestine… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu’s Speech to U.S. Congress, May 24, 2011

Speech by PM Netanyahu to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress… Continue reading

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Why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Will Speak to Congress

To try to turn American liberals and Democrats — and especially Jews — against Israel on the pretext that they are only opposing Israel’s… continue reading

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The War in Libya: Unprecedented Strangeness

Should the United States and Europe want Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi out of power? Sure. But the real question is… Continue reading

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U.S. Head of Intelligence James Clapper Should Be Fired

If the Obama Administration would listen more to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates it might salvage its foreign policy… Continue reading

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A Further Note on U.S.-Israel Relations

A lot of nonsense has been written about the Obama Administration seeking or deliberately creating a crisis in U.S.-Israel relations. This has little or nothing to do with the actual events… Continue reading

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The US-Israel Crisis and PA’s Refusal to Negotiate

It is important to understand that the current controversy over construction in east Jerusalem is neither a public relations’ problem nor a bilateral policy dispute. It arises because of things having nothing directly to do with this specific point… Continue reading