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Egypt “Democratically” Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship

What are the next steps for Mursi?… Continue reading

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A Turning Point in Egypt: Not on Direction But on the Speed of Islamist Transformation

A critical moment has arrived for Egypt. But what does it mean?… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Islamism Overshadows the “New Egypt”

What are the early warning signs of an Islamist totalitarian state… Continue reading

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A First Look at Egypt’s New Constitution Shows a Careful Ambiguity On Islamic Rule

Although it isn’t official, the first two articles of Egypt’s new Constitution have been reportedly drafted by the committee of parliamentarians charged with that task… Continue reading

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Muhammad Mursi Will Use Street Power for Egyptian Presidency

The goal from the outset of the Tahrir Square revolution early last year was to get the Muslim Brotherhood installed in government through the ballot box… Continue reading

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The General who Staged the 1980 Coup is Put on Trial, But His Legacy Reigns Supreme

The trial of the two surviving members of the junta that seized power on September 12, 1980, in a coup that altered Turkey’s course, is an historic event, but… Continue reading

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U.S. Government and Media Cheer Muslim Brotherhood Regime in Egypt

A year ago we were told that Egypt was going to become a moderate democratic state ruled by hip Facebook kids. Now Egypt is going to become a moderate Islamist republic ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood… Continue reading

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Egyptian Coptic billionaire faces trial for contempt of Islam

A member of the ultra-conservative al-Gamaa al-Islamiya group filed a legal complaint against… Continue reading

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Has Erdogan Reached His “Democratic Limits”?

Internal and external dynamics no longer compel Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to transcend his democratic limits… Continue reading

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Democracy strikes back

Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch launched an unhinged attack on the Knesset and the government… Continue reading

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Is Morocco Immune to Upheaval?

The uprisings that swept across the Middle East and North Africa during 2011 have largely bypassed Morocco… Continue reading

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Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Versus Army: Disastrous Elections or Bloody Civil War?

Only days before parliamentary elections, Egypt is in a huge crisis whose outcome will determine the future of almost… Continue reading

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Cairo Riots: Military Junta and Muslim Brothers Alliance?

The riots in Cairo and other Egyptian cities do not count as the country’s second revolution this year… Continue reading

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Brothers in Arms: The Muslim Brotherhood Takes Over the (Sunni) Arab World

On November 28, Egyptians will vote for a parliament which will also write the country’s new constitution… Continue reading

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Will Turkey Get a New Constitution that is a Societal Compact, and not a Dictate of the State?

The new constitution of Turkey needs to be societal compact that reflects the pluralism of society… Continue reading

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The Latest KCK Arrests: One Step Closer to Breaking Point

The AKP is using the KCK investigation as an instrument to try to crush all opposition to its increasingly hawkish policies on the Kurdish issue… Continue reading

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The Battle for Egypt: The Army Strikes Back

They claim to be protecting the country from Islamic fundamentalists, who appear likely to capture a plurality of seats in parliament… Continue reading

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Turkey’s New Constitution: a Last Chance to Solve the Kurdish Issue?

There has long been a broad consensus that Turkey’s current constitution needs to be replaced… Continue reading

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Here Come the Arab Elections!

Imagine when parties are negotiating over the Constitution and the election rules… Continue reading

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FM Abubakr Al-Qirbi Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Despite limited resources, the Government continued to make every effort to fight Al Qaeda… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s War: Will Turkey’s Most Powerful Leader Since Ataturk Succeed in Securing the Country’s Unity?

Attacks carried out by Kurdish separatists since mid-July have set Turkey on the road to war… Continue reading

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Turkey’s “First Christian”

Amidst news of Turkey’s political turmoil — a parliamentary boycott led by the main opposition party has overshadowed… Continue reading

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Tough Times Ahead in Search of Turkey’s New Soul

Polarizing the society over religious and cultural identities has been the power tactic of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) almost all along… Continue reading

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Fading Hopes, Rising Demands: Kurdish Problem Moves Closer To the Point of No Return

In the general election of June 12, 2011, candidates backed by the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) won 36 seats in Turkey… Continue reading

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Tunisia’s Morning After

Where does Tunisia, the unlikely igniter of the Middle Eastern upheavals, stand on the democratic transition scale… Continue reading