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A Divisive Campaign in a Polarized Turkey

The June 12 general election was historic as it was the first general election in Turkey over which the shadow of the military… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Urbanization: The Secret Behind AKP’s Third Consecutive Electoral Success

At 12 June’s general election, Turkey’s governing Justice and Development party (AKP) pulled off a rare political hat trick… Continue reading

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Turkish Election: Voter Fraud?

Daniel Pipes wrote an article asking if the June 2011 election would be the last free and fair election in Turkey… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Election: An Islamist Revolution

By the end of 2011 more than 250 million people in the Middle East may well be living under what are in reality anti-American Islamist governments… Continue reading

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Turkish Election: Islamism Triumphant

The AKP got almost everything it wanted. It will be in power for four more years, infiltrating institutions, producing a new constitution… Continue reading

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Is the Battle of Jisr a-Shughour the tipping-point of the uprising against Bashar Assad?

It took Syrian president six days to send troops and tanks to punish the small northern town of Jisr a-Shughour near the Turkish border… Continue reading

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Erdogan headed for significant Win as Turks cast Votes

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan is expected to return to office for a third consecutive term as Turks began voting… Continue reading

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Turkey’s June 12 Elections

This Sunday, Turks go to the polls for parliamentary elections that will determine their next government… Continue reading

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U.S. Government Cheers As Turkey May Go Islamist and Anti-American

Will 250 million people live under revolutionary Islamist regimes by the end of this year… Continue reading

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Above the Threshold, Below the Belt: the Video Campaign Against the MHP

An internet website began broadcasting secretly-recorded videos of six members of the Turkish MHP engaging in extramarital sexual relations… Continue reading

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Egyptian Sheikh Jamal Qutb: “Sectarian Sedition was Fabricated by Mubarak Regime”

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, a london-based Arabic newspaper, Islamic thinker and former chairman of Al-Azhar Fatwa Commission… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Threshold

Turkey faces what could be historic elections on June 12. Opinion polls suggest the ruling Justice and Development Party… Continue reading

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Israel’s New Neighbor Egypt: Radical Nationalist President; Islamist-Dominated Parliament

Amr Moussa, probably Egypt’s next president, has given a comprehensive picture of his views, a foretaste of the likely policies… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Election Manifesto: The Silences That Ring Alarm Bells

In late April 2011, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) announced their manifestos… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Makes Bid for Power

Remember when we were told that the Muslim Brotherhood was moderate and weak? Why it was so benign that the Brotherhood… Continue reading

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The Nominations of Candidates for the June General Election: A Choice Between Status Quo and Renewal

The ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) choice of candidates to the general election in June reflect a desire to entrench the power base… Continue reading

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Will Turkey’s Next Constitution be a Societal Covenant Imbued with Respect for Differences?

Agreeing upon the rules for how they are going to live together, with mutual respect for differences, is the fundamental challenge that faces… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Opposition Turns Social Democratic: Will the Turks Follow?

While the Turkish Justice and Development Party’s (AKP’s) record on democracy and foreign policy is less than perfectly in… Continue reading

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Turkey Remains an “Angry Nation” but could still serve as a Democratic Inspiration

Turkey remains an “Angry nation”, tormented by the many ghosts of its history, some of which still lurk in the shadows. Its political system… Continue reading

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TV Speech: Defiant Gaddafi Vows to Fight On and Die ‘as a Martyr’ Rather Than Quit

In a televised speech punctuated by long pauses, Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi gave a long, rambling speech on Libyan State TV in which he… Continue reading

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Egypt: Qaradawi Tries to Take Charge of the Revolution

Let history show that neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post reported on the return of the world’s single most important Islamic cleric to Cairo… Continue reading

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Ex-Muslim Brotherhood Moderate Warns About…the Muslim Brotherhood

This is really interesting. All along we have been told that there is a moderate faction in the Muslim Brotherhood. And there… Continue reading

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Egypt: Supreme Council of Armed Forces hopes to Transfer Power to Elected President

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces said it hopes to end its mission and transfer power in the next six months to a civilian authority and a president… Continue reading

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What Next in Egypt? A Detailed Assessment

The Egyptian political situation has now entered a new phase. The first order of business is to write a new constitution, a process that should take months… Continue reading

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Egypt: 6th Statement of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

Egypt’s Military released a statement Monday to persuade Egyptians to end the demonstrations and strikes that culminated last… Continue reading