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Palestinian Leaders’ Response to Democratic Upheaval: Fire the Honest Guy

The Palestinian Authority doesn’t have to worry about democratic upheavals since it has the nationalist and anti-Israel cards to play… Continue reading

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Palestinian Authority: We Never Listen to What America Says, We Just Take the Money

This does not mean that they dictate to us whatever they want, because we do what we view as beneficial to our cause… Continue reading

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Swiss: Ben Ali Son-In-Law Wanted Residency

Former Tunisian president Ben Ali’s son-in-law Sakher Matri had requested a residency permit for Geneva, apparently to… Continue reading

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Hamas Exploiting Tunisian ‘Intifada’ as Islamist Challenge to Arab Nationalism

Hamas spokesmen (mostly unofficial) praise the popular Tunisian intifada (uprising) and expect a domino effect to lead to the downfall of Mahmoud Abbas and other pro-Western “dictatorial regimes.” However… Continue reading

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Tunisia: Revolution?

A popular uprising fueled by unemployment, economic suffering, and long-term discontent has overthrown the dictator–but not necessarily the dictatorship–in Tunisia. In 55 years of independence… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Moroccan Royals Accused of Corruption

Morocco’s royal family is using the institutions of the state to “coerce and solicit bribes” in the country’s lucrative real estate sector, according to a leaked report from American diplomats… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Embassy Cables Deeply Unflattering about Tunisia

Deeply unflattering reports from the US embassy in Tunis, released by WikiLeaks, make no bones about the state of the small Maghreb country, widely considered one of the most repressive in… Continue reading