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Turkey and Syria: a Parting of Ways

The turmoil in Syria threatens to deprive Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party of one of its most significant foreign policy achievements… Continue reading

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Obama and Erdogan grant Assad 15 days to finish Syrian Uprising

Thursday night, Aug. 11, US President Barack Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan agreed to set Syrian… Continue reading

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U.S. Won’t Support Any Palestinian Fatah-Hamas Gov’t Unless Hamas Reforms

The U.S. won’t support any Fatah-Hamas government that includes Hamas unless the Islamist Jihadi group reforms… Continue reading

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Syria: Crackdown Begins; West Does Nothing

As I predicted yesterday, the Syrian government has now started a full-scale violent crackdown against oppositionists… Continue reading

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The Arab Uprisings: Protest Spreads in Syria

Tensions boiled in a volatile Syrian community Thursday as thousands turned up for the funerals of people killed in unrest… Continue reading

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Bahrain Demolishes Statue at Pearl Roundabout, Site of Anti-Government Protest

Security forces in Bahrain on Friday demolished the Pearl Monument, a landmark that had been the site of massive recent anti-government protests… Continue reading

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Yemen Declares ‘State of Emergency’ after Protest Massacre

President Saleh announces state of emergency after dozens are killed in a crackdown on anti-government protests. Witnesses… Continue reading

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Libyan Ambassadors Resign Posts to Protest Bloody Crackdown

The Jerusalem Post reported Tuesday Libyan diplomats all over the world resigned from their positions, in protest a bloody crackdown against… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Kurdish Leader Discusses 2009 Turkish Local Elections

In an April 22 roundtable at Chatham House on Turkey’s recent elections, Kurdish political leader Ahmet Türk gave prepared remarks and took… Continue reading

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Iranian Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Protests

In Tehran Debkafile’s Iranian sources report that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad early Thursday conferred with Revolutionary Guards and Basij leaders on… Continue reading