A closer look at Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s world view, mixing Western concepts of progress, modern Turkish nationalism and Islamic traditions. But does all this go hand in hand with his attitude towards women… Continue reading
As a result of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel also declared the establishment of the Defence Army of Israel, consisting of land forces, a navy and an air force. Prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, a number of armed Jewish defense groups operated in British Palestine… Continue reading
Het Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Korps (Sepāh e Pāsdārān e Enqelāb e Eslāmi) staat in Iran ook bekend als de ‘Pasdaran’ en als ‘Sepah’. Deze uit ideologisch gedreven en streng geselecteerde vrijwilligers bestaande eenheid – die geheel los staat van het Iraanse leger – werd… Continue reading
Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization letters of recognition (or Israel-PLO Recognition or Letters of Mutual Recognition) were a series of official letters of recognition between the government of Israel and… Continue reading
This week, Thomas Friedman, wrote an article about the virtual warfare (using internet) that’s going on in recruiting new jihadists for the Global Jihad. He calls on the Arabs and Muslims around the world to speak out against the radical Jihadists and the terroristic organizations and if necessary to start a civil war against them… Continue reading
We horen vaak dat de Islam een religie van vrede is. En ik ken enkelen die aan deze beschrijving voldoen. Maar landen die een bijna 100% Islamitische bevolking hebben – Afghanistan, Somalië, Saoudi-Arabië en Jemen – lijken alles behalve vredig… Continue reading
The latest episode in which, to paraphrase Karl von Clausewitz, law is used as the continuation of war by other means, involved the threat to arrest former foreign minister Tzipi Livni on the nonsensical charge that she committed war crimes during Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading
It’s remarkable how easy it is for Middle Eastern dictatorships to fool the West. Iran has been stringing along Europe and the United States for seven years on the pretense that it is ready to make a deal on its nuclear weapons’ drive. The Palestinians persuade the West that they really do want to make peace but just need a better offer. And so on… Continue reading
The Sykes-Picot (-Sazonov) agreement, concluded on 16 may 1916, was an agreement between the Governments of Britain and France and with the consent of the Russian Empire about dividing the Middle East in spheres of influence… Continue reading
Dries van Agt, the former dutch Prime Minister of The Netherlands, founded a Netherlands-based NGO, The Rights Forum. This NGO was launched on december 10, 2009, ‘The International Day of the Human Rights’. The NGO’s mission is “to give a platform for The International Rights which Israel is violating and to increase the diplomatic pressure… Continue reading
The article “a Secret C.I.A. History” printed in the New York Times on April 16, 2000 renders a self-lauding, exaggerated, and partial account of the events of 1953… Continue reading
On 16 April 2000, the New York Times published a story on what was presented as a “secret report” by a CIA operative concerning the events of August 1953 in Iran. The following article is written in the interest of historical truth and attempts to put those fateful events in Iran into prospect perspective… Continue reading
The Central Intelligence Agency’s secret history of its covert operation to overthrow Iran’s government in 1953 offers an inside look at how the agency stumbled into success, despite a series of mishaps that derailed its original plans. Written in 1954 by one of the coup’s chief planners, the history details how United States and British officials plotted the military coup that returned the shah of Iran to power and toppled Iran’s elected prime minister, an ardent nationalist… Continue reading
Throughout his political life, Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh did his best to maintain a cordial relationship with the religious community in Iran. Though firmly secular, Mossadegh was keenly aware that in the composition of Iranian society, Islam and the Shi’ite faith had deep roots… Continue reading
Het is onvoorstelbaar om aan de Oude Stad te denken zonder één enkele Jood. Van wanneer was dat geleden? Bijna 800 jaar geleden trof Maïmonides er Joden aan. Van de oude ondergrondse synagoge van Yohanan ben Zakai is bekend dat ze er al bijna 2000 jaar staat: thans, net zoals de Hurvasynagoge, ligt alles in puin. De Joden woonden in de Oude Stad toen de Seljoeken haar veroverden, ze waren er in de tijd van de Kruistochten en toen de Turken ze veroverden. Allenby trof de Joden aan toen hij Jeruzalem veroverde op de Turken. Maar vandaag is geen enkele Jood overgebleven… Continue reading
The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books… Continue reading
Groot-Moefti Haj Amin Al-Hoesseini was een beruchte nazi die nazi-propaganda mengde met de Islam. Hij werd gezocht voor oorlogsmisdaden… Lees verder
Latest Comments
Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....