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Erdogan’s “Language Revolution”

The revolution will be complete when the language is perfect” (George Orwell, 1984) Read more

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The Anti-Trump Movement and The Blind Sheikh’s Legacy

Decades-long limitless funding of pro-Islamic propaganda orchestrated mostly by the Muslim Brotherhood helped spread the phenomenon of denying the obvious Islamic threat… Read more

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“Celebrating” Orientalism

Through the backdoor of an unreciprocated concern for the “other,” educated Westerners have allowed a hostile, bullying, honor-shame discourse to take over much of their public space. And as millions of refugees are thrown up on the shores of Europe, Western policymakers remain captive to suicidal memes that bespeak a profound ignorance of Arab and Muslim culture… Read more

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The EU vs. the Nation State?

Why would any European nation want to throw out its sovereignty to institutions that are fundamentally unaccountable and authoritarian, rather than democratically legitimate, power… Read more

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European Union Declares War on Internet Free Speech

Some members of the European Parliament have characterized the EU’s code of online conduct as “Orwellian”… Read more

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Muslim Invasion of Europe

Illegal Muslim migrants are likely to join the Muslims already living in Europe; and they will remain Muslim… Read more

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Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic

The raping of German women by asylum seekers is becoming commonplace… Read more

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Comparison of PA and BDS Worldviews

There are fundamental differences between the PA and the BDS campaign… Read more

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The BDS Campaign and Its Roots

BDS is an integral part of the delegitimization campaign being waged against Israel… Read more

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Mass Immigration and the Undoing of Europe

Most migrants swarming European borders and coastlines do not appear to be in any real need… Read more