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New Year Speech to the Muslim World

The West is sacrificing the safety and security of citizens for the sake of multiculturalism, but in order for multiculturalism to work, it must be a two-way street between people that share common values of respect of each other’s culture. Unfortunately, the West did not get that from Islam. Read more

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Eastern Europe: The Last Barrier between Christianity and Islam

The last chance to save Europe’s roots might well come from those who defeated the Ottomans in 1699… Read more

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The Myth of Ethnic Inequality in Israel

Does discrimination really exists in Israel… Continue reading

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Why Modern Society Is No Longer Better than Traditional Society

Or why modern society is doomed… Continue reading

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Is Turkey in Europe?

Is Turkey part of Europe or not?… Continue reading

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Arab World War Two: Sunni versus Shia

The Arabic-speaking world is gearing up for a massive Sunni versus Shia bloodbath… Continue reading

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Unlike Madonna, the Middle East Isn’t a “Material Girl”

The problem is radical ideology in command on the sides of both leaders and the masses… Continue reading

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How Arab Governments Manage the Israel Issue

Using the Israel issue is so attractive and useful because there is a lot of popular support for this attitude… Continue reading

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A Look Back at Forty Years of Middle East Analysis

My main goal of forty years of Middle East analysis has been trying to explain the Middle East as it actually exists, how its politics work, and how its history can be understood… Continue reading

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Education for Terrorism

Hamas increases its military and propaganda activities among Gazan youth… Continue reading

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Israel’s Arabs: Deprived or Radicalized?

Arabs and Jews in the Holy Land… Continue reading

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Syria’s Assyrians, caught in the middle

Of all the Christian communities in Syria, the Assyrians, that is, those Christians who identify as such by virtue of belonging to the Assyrian Church of the East, arguably have the most complex relationship with the Assad regime… Continue reading

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Why Economic Development As a Panacea for Middle East Problems is a Myth

While “economic development” sounds like a great idea, in practice it isn’t so effective… Continue reading

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Why is Israel More Prosperous Than the Palestinians: The Ultimate Demonstration of Media Bias

If you truly understand what you are about to read, I don’t see how you can accord most of the mass media any credibility when it comes to Israel ever again… Continue reading

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Romney Lays It Out: Progress and Success Versus Name-Calling And Bragging About Being Victims

The economic history of the world has shown that “culture makes all the difference”… Continue reading

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Jordan’s Prime Minister Reads ‘Rubin Reports’ – And Doesn’t Like It

During a recent dinner in Amman, Prime Minister Fayez Tarawneh of Jordan talked about me at some length, citing my PJ Media article on Israel being in a good strategic situation. Apart from the name-calling, insults, and snorting, he could not refute one point I made… Continue reading

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Lebanon: Fractured Past, Bleak Present

Bill Harris is one of the world’s leading authorities on Lebanon. In this interview he discusses politics there; the possibilities of war with Israel; how Western policy let down the moderates; and the dramatic effects of the Syrian civil war on that neighboring country… Continue reading

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Hindu vs. Muslim Honor Killings

Although the overwhelming majority of honor killings worldwide occur within Muslim communities, one would not know this by reading the mainstream media… Continue reading

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Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids… Continue reading

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Does Power Moderate Radicals? Where’s the Proof?

An interesting and important question about the Middle East is whether being in power or running in an election inevitably moderates those who are radicals… Continue reading

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If You Don’t Stand Up for Western Civilization It Will Fall

A small incident in an obscure court case in Minnesota shows why we need to understand properly the debate over Islam, Islamism, and Islamophobia… Continue reading

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Egypt: Islamists vs. Copts

The future of Egypt’s indigenous Christians, the Copts, looks bleak… Continue reading

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A Culture of Blame

If a woman steps outside the strict boundaries of behavior prescribed to her, she faces communal rejection, stigmatization, violent assault and even death by way of “honor killing”… Continue reading

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The Rhetoric of Nonsense

For nearly two decades the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been denying Israel’s right to exist, and a recent “Nakba Day” was no exception… Continue reading

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Why Do So Many American Jews Support Obama?

In the 2008 election, a remarkable 79 percent of American Jewish voters supported Barack Obama to be president of the United States. In 2012 this number is likely to fall by 20 to 25 percent but will remain a large majority. Why is this?… Continue reading