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Football and Fethullah: The Gülen Movement’s New Goals?

On May 12, 2012, Istanbul rivals Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray played out a goalless draw in the final match of the Turkish 2011-2102 soccer season, handing the national championship to Galatasaray… Continue reading

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The Middle East: Brave New World or Scary New Master?

If you want a sense of where the Middle East is going, consider this viewpoint from an unlikely source… Continue reading

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Subversion and Exporting the Islamic Revolution in Latin America

Iran invests considerable resources in its battle for hearts and minds and in exporting the Iranian revolution in Latin American countries… Continue reading

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Iranian Diplomat’s Involvement in Sexual Abuse in Brazil Causes Media Storm

The involvement of an Iranian diplomat in sexual abuse in Brazil has Iran’s media in a frenzy… Continue reading

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Seated Among the Heroes and Watching the Faces of the Martyrs

In all of this and throughout the nation on this day, there was not a word of hatred, of reviling any enemy… Continue reading

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Needed: A Marxist-Style Analysis to Understand and Combat the Extreme Left’s Hegemony

Ironically, those opposing the current hegemonic ideas and political forces in the United States and Europe must develop a Marxist-style analysis of what has happened… Continue reading

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Jews and the Dutch: A History of Ups and Downs

The Netherlands is widely considered one of Israel’s closest allies but at the same time continues to take a critical stance toward Israel in line with EU’s pro-Palestinian policies… Continue reading

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How the U.S. Army Sees The Arabs, Islam, and Middle Eastern Societies

What do you tell soldiers who are risking their lives on Middle East battlefields about the people they are fighting for and against simultaneously?… Continue reading

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Obama: ‘Son of Islam’?

Invited on “Morning Joe” last Tuesday to discuss Christian persecution, the hosts turned the focus to interrogating Graham on whether he thought President Barack Obama was Christian or not… Continue reading

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Why We Need Words Like ‘Islamist’

Is the problem Islam or Islamism? Muslims or Islamists?… Continue reading

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American Culture Icon Banned from Sale: The End of Barbie in Iran?

The growing criticism of Barbie’s harmful influence on the consumption culture of young Iranians, the purchase of Barbie dolls triggers a psychological change in children and increases the influence of values that go against the values of Iranian-Islamic culture… Continue reading

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Ex-Muslim Sister gives insight into Brothers’s Subjugation, Discrimination of Women and Polygamy

In a time when Western intellectuals, politicians, and journalists are trying to explain that the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t a radical Islamist group… Continue reading

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Iran: Severe Conflict between Government, leading Film Industry Figures

leading figures in Iran’s film industry released a memorandum of opinion condemning the Islamic Guidance Ministry’s decision to close the House of Cinema, the main trade union for those employed in the local film industry… Continue reading

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Friedman Cheers as Egyptians Are Enslaved

Many in the West have so acted toward Egypt during the last year… Continue reading

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Identity Among Middle East Christians

In the course of the present unrest across the Middle East and North Africa… Continue reading

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When Obama Preaches; Anti-American Dictators First Sneer At Him, Then Spit at Us

I don’t think one could come up with a more teachable moment regarding international affairs… Continue reading

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My Critique of Two “Neo-Conservative” Presidents: Obama and Bush

A Huffington Post writer with no known expertise on the Middle East, has accused me of being not only an alarmist about revolutionary Islamism but also as a “neo-con… Continue reading

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Morocco’s Berbers and Israel

In recent years, small groups of Moroccan Berber activists, particularly younger people, have challenged… Continue reading

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Democracy strikes back

Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch launched an unhinged attack on the Knesset and the government… Continue reading

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The Majdalani Effect, the Zawahiri Strategy and the Middle East Curse

In a rare glimpse behind the curtain, a Palestinian scandal sheds a lot of light on the Palestinian Authority, Arab politics, and Western illusions… Continue reading

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Overviewing Shi’a-Sunni Conflicts

As we approach the end of the first year of what has been called the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Aliaa ElMahdy is not afraid of being a woman despite harassment in Egypt

Aliaa Magda ElMahdy, a blogger and female activist, sparked controversy and attracted both criticism and admiration in Egypt after… Continue reading