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Iran displays captured US drone

Iran displayed the top-secret US stealth drone RQ-170 Sentinel captured on Sunday… Continue reading

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US, Israel and Iran: Cyber Warfare in the Middle East

The Middle East is set for a Cyber War… Continue reading

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Majles Research Center warns about NATO’s new strategy and its consequences for Iran

Last month the Majles Research Center published a report warning about the new strategy adopted by NATO in recent years… Continue reading

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Iran: Slain scientist was working on a nuclear bomb detonator

Daryush Rezaee-Nejad, 35, who died Saturday, July 23, when two motorcyclists shot him in the head and throat in front of his home in Tehran… Continue reading

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Iran Calls on Islamic Hackers to Enlist to the Iranian “Cyber War”

Gholam-Reza Jalali, the head of the Passive Resistance Organization, announced the coming establishment of the Cyber War Headquarters of the Islamic… Continue reading

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Iran: Ministry of Intelligence steps up Activities as Opposition Demonstrations Resume

Last Thursday (March 3), Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei held a brief visit to the Ministry of Intelligence headquarters in Tehran. Khamenei visited… Continue reading

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“Cyber war” Between Iran’s Regime and Opposition-Supporting Western Media

As protest demonstrations resume, the cyber war between Iran’s regime and its opponents has escalated as well in the recent two weeks… Continue reading

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Iranian Nuclear Scientist Killed In Tehran Was Iran’s Top Stuxnet Expert

DebkaFile reports that Prof. Majid Shahriari, who died when his car was attacked in North Tehran Monday, Nov. 29, headed the team Iran established for combating the Stuxnet virus rampaging through its nuclear and military… Continue reading

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Russian Nuclear Experts Leaving Iran

One of the Russian nuclear staffers, questioned in Moscow Sunday, Oct. 3 by Western sources, confirmed that many of his Russian colleagues had decided to leave with their families after team members were detained for questioning at the beginning of last week. He refused to give… Continue reading

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Iran On Special Alert As Worm Virus Hits Industry Computer Systems

Mehr News Agency reported this week that the Telecommunications and Industry ministries are on high alert for a worm virus discovered in control and monitoring systems of Iran’s industrial complexes. In recent days, Western media have reported that the worm, nicknamed “Stuxnet”, targets… Continue reading

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Iran Bent on Avenging Cyber Attack, Asks for Outside Help to Stop Rampaging Malworm

Tehran is bent on military action to settle scores with Israel and the United States whom it suspects of planting the malignant Stuxnet cyber worm in the computer systems of its nuclear, military and strategic infrastructure. Iran secretly appealed to a number of computer security experts in West and East Europe with… Continue reading

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Full-Scale Cyber Attack Causes Havoc On Iran’s Nuclear Program and Military Industries

Iran admitted Monday, Sept. 27 it was under full-scale cyber terror attack. The official IRNA news agency quoted Hamid Alipour, deputy head of Iran’s government Information Technology Company, as saying that the Stuxnet computer worm “is mutating and wreaking further havoc on computerized industrial equipment… Continue reading

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Iran under cyber threat as Obama offers nuclear negotiations

The United States has embarked on a clandestine cyber war against Iran and that Israel has established elite cyber war units for this purpose. Obama has resolved to deal with the nuclear impasse with Iran by going after the Islamic republic on two tracks… Continue reading