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Description of the Al-Nusra Front’s Military Activity

The Al-Nusra Front combines guerilla warfare against the Assad regime, the Syrian army and security apparatuses with indiscriminate acts of terrorism against civilians… Continue reading

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Can Assad’s Syria Survive Revolution?

How the Assad regime has managed to survive the revolution, for the time being and in contrast to other recent upheavals in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Countdown to Conflict: Military Build-Up around Syria

The armies of Syria’s seven neighbors were already scrambling into position on standby on its borders for acts of… Continue reading

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Syrian army deserters hit intel facility near Damascus

The Assad regime suffered a major shock when self-styled “Free Syrian Army” deserters firing shoulder-borne rockets and… Continue reading

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Assad threatens to destroy Tel Aviv if attacked by Turkey or NATO

War tensions between Turkey, NATO and Syria shot up again with the announcement from Ankara that… Continue reading

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Getting Serious in Syria

Every day there are massive demonstrations, shootings, and defections of soldiers in Syria… Continue reading

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Another ticking bomb under Assad: Hariri “Special Tribunal for Lebanon” heads for Damascus

The Lebanese capital was not the only first stop for a delegation of the UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon… Continue reading

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Is the Battle of Jisr a-Shughour the tipping-point of the uprising against Bashar Assad?

It took Syrian president six days to send troops and tanks to punish the small northern town of Jisr a-Shughour near the Turkish border… Continue reading

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Internal Palestinian Clashes Following the Naksa Day Events

Following the Naksa Day events, there was strong internal Palestinian criticism of Ahmed Jibril’s organization, affiliated with the Syrian regime… Continue reading

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Syria: Shattered Humanity inside Syria’s Security Apparatus

The young man was dangling upside down, white, foaming saliva dripping from his mouth… Continue reading

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Turkey ditches Assad, calls off participation in Gaza flotilla

Syrian President Bashar Assad’s Arab and Muslimsupport is melting fast. Debkafile’s intelligence sources report that his second most… Continue reading

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President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa Speech, May 19, 2011

Official release of President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech… Continue reading

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Syria: Who Is the Opposition and When Is The Moment of Truth?

There’s a bit of a mystery regarding Syria. First, who is the opposition? Second, what will happen… Continue reading

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Riots in Syria as Product of Western Plot: Iranian Media on Syria Developments

This past week, most of Iran’s conservative media have continued to provide highly limited coverage of the riots in… Continue reading

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The Syrian Revolution 2011: First Protest Shooting in Damascus

The Syrian uprising took a new turn Tuesday, April 5, when armed protesters opened fire for the first time on security forces… Continue reading

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Syrian Revolution Takes Off – Where is American Support?

As of today, one can say that the revolution in Syria must be taken seriously. Not only were the demonstrations large but also they… Continue reading

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The Alawi Capture of Power in Syria

For many centuries, the ‘Alawis were the weakest, poorest, most rural, most despised, and most backward people of Syria… Continue reading

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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in his Damascus speech on Wednesday that foreign conspirators are responsible for the ongoing… Continue reading

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The Arab Uprisings: Protest Spreads in Syria

Tensions boiled in a volatile Syrian community Thursday as thousands turned up for the funerals of people killed in unrest… Continue reading

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Iran to Build Permanent Naval Base in Syria

Just two days after two Iranian warships reached the Syrian port of Latakia via the Suez Canal, an Iranian-Syrian naval cooperation accord was signed… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Schizophrenic Nature of Syrian Foreign Policy

The schizophrenic nature of Syrian foreign policy once again reared its ugly face… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Ongoing Concerns about Syrian Behavior

Even as the U.S. take specific steps the U.S. will continue to have ongoing concerns about Syrian behavior that have not gone away because of a change in administrations… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Syria Continues to Support Hamas and Hizbullah

Syria has not responded positively (nor, in the near term, is it likely to do so) to U.S. concerns about Syrian arms supplies to Hizballah, Syria’s continuing support… Continue reading

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Turkey to Train Syria’s Army

While we are being told constantly how well things are going in the Middle East, still another dangerous development has been ignored by the Western media. Turkey and Syria have agreed on training of Syrian army by Turkish military… Continue reading

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Syrian Authorities Break Up Protest

Why are moderate Arab regimes — even if dictatorships — shaken by protest while hardline ones aren’t? Because at the least sign of trouble the radical governments… Continue reading