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Now Anyone Can Understand That Israel Isn’t About to Attack Iran

Or, as Homer Simpson would explain it, “Doh!”… Continue reading

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Defending Israeli Democracy

U.S. Embassy cables leaked by Wikileaks in September exposed the ugly truth that self-described champions of Israeli democracy would… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Goldstone Report with Senior Israeli Officials

A delegation met with senior Israeli officials in early January 2010 to discuss Israel’s response to the UN Goldstone Report… Continue reading

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Het Misbruiken van Internationaal Recht als Oorlogswapen Tegen Israel

Drie Spaanse activisten hebben een aanklacht ingediend tegen de Israëlische premier Benyamin Netanyahu, zes leden van zijn kabinet en een hoge militaire officier voor oorlogsmisdaden… Continue reading

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Benjamin Netanyahu in desperate effort to appease US

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has held marathon meetings with the six most powerful ministers to come up with a course of action that will satisfy the US, particularly Secretary of State Hillary Clinton… Continue reading