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Israeli Police preparing for wide-scale rioting in September

According to a report by the Jerusalem Post on Sunday, police commissioner Insp.-Gen. Yochanan Danino has said that… Continue reading

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Palestinian Politics Is About to Make a Transition For the Worse; Bad Time to Push for Peacemaking

Palestinian Authority “president” Mahmoud Abbas is retiring and has called on Fatah to choose a replacement… Continue reading

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Viva Palestina Convoy: Egypt Bans Entry of 17 Lifeline 5 Organizers

The Egyptian authorities said that they would ban 17 members of the Lifeline 3 convoy, including its head, George Galloway, from entering Egyptian territory. According to Zaher Birawi, a Hamas activist in Britain who serves as the convoy’s spokesman… Continue reading

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Hamas to Establish an Organization to Try Israeli “War Criminals”

The Legislative Council in the Gaza Strip authorized a proposed law to establish an independent Palestinian authority to try the crimes of the occupation against the Palestinians… Continue reading

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Pro Hamas Organizations Operating in Europe

The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG) is an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas umbrella organization which participated in the Mavi Marmara flotilla. The ECESG is currently involved in organizing an upgraded flotilla, and in other projects to further isolate Israel, part of the campaign to delegitimize it… Continue reading

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The Ideology Behind the Mavi Marmara Flotilla

Conspicuous among the passengers and organizations aboard the Mavi Marmara were Turkish and Arab Islamic extremists led by IHH. They were joined by extremist European left activists and volunteers who answered the call to help the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and were not partners in IHH’s violent plans… Continue reading

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An Irish Coalition of Pro-Palestinian Organizations is Working to Send an Aid Ship to the Gaza Strip

A coalition of pro-Palestinian organizations in Ireland is working to send an aid ship to the Gaza Strip as part of Freedom Fleet 2. The organizations participating are the Free Gaza Movement, which also participated in the Mavi Marmara flotilla… Continue reading

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Israel Academe Exposed

Israeli universities were not established with the sole purpose of promoting any Zionist vision of Israel. A call for an academic boycott against Israel or a call to dismiss professors from the left or from the right is unworthy of consideration. Yet when respected branches of… Continue reading

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How Should Media Handle Conflict?

Would mainstream media mavens be willing to discuss their practices and listen to critics? Will discussions like this change anything in terms of how stories about conflicts are framed and phrased… Continue reading