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Pastor McConnell Meets Islam

In Northern Ireland, muslims are using hate speech laws to silence christians… Read more

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After Paris and Copenhagen: The Real Threat to Europe

The violent takeover of Europe… Continue reading

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Islamist or Nationalist: Who is Egypt’s Mysterious New Pharaoh?

Who is General Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi?… Continue reading

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The “Arab Spring” is now officially over

Al-Qaeda linked terrorism threatens Tunisia’s economy and security… Continue reading

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Orthodox Muslims in the Hague Uniting Behind “Al-Qaeda” Flags

Muslims in the Hague express their radical Islamic beliefs… Continue reading

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Lost: Obama Middle East Policy, 2013-2016,(1) Why U.S. Policy Betrayed the Moderates

The Obama Administration has taken the Islamists’ side… Continue reading

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America’s Problems in the Middle East are Just Beginning

America’s Middle East policy is a disaster… Continue reading

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How Western Intellectual Values Have Gone Haywire

Is this really the best we can do in 2013?… Continue reading

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Dismiss the Egyptian People and Elect a New One

Starvation is the unstated subject of this week’s military coup… Continue reading

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Egypt: A Teachable Moment in World History

What has just happened in Egypt is a teachable moment in world history… Continue reading

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Al-Qaeda’s Jihad on Anti-Morsi Egyptians

Will al-Qaeda wage a jihad to save Morsi and his Islamist agenda for Egypt… Continue reading

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Egyptian Armed Forces First Statement: “Call for Meeting the Demands of the People”

Tahrir Square erupts in joy after Egypt armed forces first statement… Continue reading

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Second Statement: Army Says It Won’t Take Power…Yet

The Egyptian army says it will not take power after all… Continue reading

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What Now in Egypt? Informed Speculations

These are speculations I’m thinking through but want to share them with you… Continue reading

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In Egypt, Army Threatens Coup while U.S. Policy has backed the Regime

Is the one-year-old experiment in Egyptian democracy going to end?… Continue reading

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Fools Rush In Where Statesmen Fear to Tread

What the heck is the U.S. line on the Middle East… Continue reading

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Can Assad’s Syria Survive Revolution?

How the Assad regime has managed to survive the revolution, for the time being and in contrast to other recent upheavals in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Turkey’s Internal Power Struggle

Reining in the Gülenists can be seen as a welcome development, but it will also consolidate Erdoğan’s already alarming monopolization of power… Continue reading

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Obama Says: I’m Backing Democracy and Human Rights; Egyptian Human Rights’ Activist: Not True!

We are continually told that Obama’s policy has been supportive of democracy and human rights, but this is not true at all… Continue reading

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Open letter to Obama: You’re not Backing Democracy and Human Rights

Open letter to President Obama by Bahieddin Hassan… Continue reading

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Arab Moderation Is Murdered: An Assassination in Tunisia

People who believe the Arabic-speaking world is heading toward democracy don’t understand that Islamist forces are unleashed quite willing to engage in violence until total triumph… Continue reading

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On Mistaking Mohamed Mursi For His Mask

2012 will likely be remembered as the year that Islamists made the greatest gains in their quest for a new caliphate in the region… Continue reading

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Western Leftists Back Islamists; Arab Counterparts Are Their Victims

The Western left were for decades apologists for repression carried out by the USSR, Soviet bloc, and other communist dictatorships, and now they are apologists for Islamist repression carried out against Arab leftists… Continue reading

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Understanding Israel’s Politics and 2013 Election

It was clear before the balloting in Israel that the claims that the population was moving to the right and that democracy in Israel was imperiled, were flatly wrong… Continue reading

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Israel’s Election: An Analysis

Israel’s election results show that Israelis have a basic consensus and yet have very different ways of expressing their political positions… Continue reading