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Egypt: Things to Think About as We Await the Presidential Election Outcome

While one can certainly sympathize with the idea of letting an elected parliament being allowed to take office… Continue reading

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Court Dissolves Egyptian Parliament; Army Takes Over; Civil War?

The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court has invalidated the parliamentary election there… Continue reading

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The Wild Card in Arab “Democratic” Politics: Extra-Parliamentary Violence

Consider just a small part of what’s gone on in Tunisia, a relatively moderate country where the radical Islamists “only” got 40 percent of the vote… Continue reading

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Syria is the Spanish Civil War of our Time

Spain 1936. An army revolt against the democratically elected government sets off a civil war. Syria 2012. The people revolt against the dictatorship setting off a civil war… Continue reading

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This Week, Turkey Went a Long Way Toward Becoming an Islamic Republic

Hardly surprising, deeply upsetting, and geostrategically catastrophic, it’s official. Turkey has now passed over towards being an Islamist state… Continue reading

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Is the AKP Creating the Conditions for a Counter-Force to Emerge?

Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party is demonstrating an unwillingness to leave any room in society to those who are not its supporters… Continue reading

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Bush and Obama Together At Last: In Misunderstanding the Middle East

In one of his first statements since leaving office, former President George W. Bush remarked on Middle East developments in an article… Continue reading

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Egypt: If There’s No Danger of Radicalism and Islamism Why Can’t You Provide Evidence?

Consider one fact that demolishes the apparatus of nonsense about moderate Islamists and the credibility of those claiming there is nothing to worry about… Continue reading

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The Middle East: Brave New World or Scary New Master?

If you want a sense of where the Middle East is going, consider this viewpoint from an unlikely source… Continue reading

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What Do Egyptians Want? A Democratically Elected Islamist Dictatorship

It’s once again time for that exciting game of Spin the Polls by the Pew Foundation. Here are the rules… Continue reading

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U.S. Syrian Policy: A Massacre in Progress; A Disgrace in the Making

U.S. policy toward Syria is turning into a scandal on both strategic and humanitarian grounds… Continue reading

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Experts Agree: Anti-American Repressive Radicals Taking Power in the Middle East Makes the World A Better Place

Michael Hirsh has responded to my critique of his article. Amazingly, yet typical of our era, he didn’t engage with a single—not a single—idea I presented… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Elections: Titanic of Western Interests, Meet Iceberg of Islamist Revolutionary Zeal

Egypt will hold its presidential election May 23-24 with a possible run-off on June 16-17. It is impossible at this point to predict what’s going to happen but I can make a good guess… Continue reading

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The General who Staged the 1980 Coup is Put on Trial, But His Legacy Reigns Supreme

The trial of the two surviving members of the junta that seized power on September 12, 1980, in a coup that altered Turkey’s course, is an historic event, but… Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton Implies: Pro-Israel Sentiment Doesn’t Reflect America

Sometimes a secretary of state is asked tough questions. How they are answered shows the underlying philosophy of official and government… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood’s “Nahda Project”

After his release from prison in March 2011, the Deputy Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Khairat Al-Shater was reportedly tasked by the Brotherhood’s Guidance Council to perform a comprehensive review… Continue reading

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The Iraqi Model: As Good As It Gets

Iraq is in a mess. Violence continues. Factionalism leads to endless bickering. Corruption is at high levels. Christians live in fear or flee altogether. Islamism is constantly creeping forward… Continue reading

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After the Arab Spring, Salafists are Moving Closer to Changing the Face of the Maghreb

Now the initial euphoria about the Arab revolts has subsided, it’s clear the ‘Arab Spring’ will not bring a liberal, secular, Western (or Islamic) model of democracy to the Arab world… Continue reading

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U.S. Government and Media Cheer Muslim Brotherhood Regime in Egypt

A year ago we were told that Egypt was going to become a moderate democratic state ruled by hip Facebook kids. Now Egypt is going to become a moderate Islamist republic ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood… Continue reading

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Western Survival Depends on Western Pride

Claude Guéant, the French interior minister, sparked a firestorm last month when he praised Western values as “superior” to the oppressive ones found elsewhere, namely the Islamic world… Continue reading

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The Damascus Declaration for Democratic National Change

The Damascus Declaration was a statement of unity by Syrian opposition figures issued October 16, 2005 criticizing the Assad regime… Continue reading

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The Syrian Uprising: Syria’s Struggling Civil Society

Authoritarian regimes have traditionally been disinclined to accept any political or social opposition and have been hostile to the development of an independent civil society that could form a counterweight to state power… Continue reading

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No Escape from Authoritarianism? Turkey Suffers from the Lack of a Constituency for Liberal Change

Turkey’s old habits of state authoritarianism persist under the rule of the AKP… Continue reading

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Obama Hearts Turkish Leader Erdogan As He Oppresses His Own People and Stabs America in the Back

President Barack Obama is continuing his love affair with Turkish Islamist leader Recep Erdogan… Continue reading

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Free Markets Can Transform the Middle East

As the high hopes for a brave new Middle East fade rapidly, Western policymakers must recognize that promoting market economics and its inevitable cultural changes are far more critical to the region’s well-being than encouraging free elections or resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict… Continue reading