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De Waarheid over de Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad

Is er een relatie tussen de ‘barbaarse’ Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad en zou het één bestaan hebben zonder de ander… Lees verder

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Muhammad and the Jews

Everyone knows that many millions of the Muslims in the Arab world and beyond have a deep hostility towards Jews or “the Jew.” It seems to have reached a metaphysical level or debased into an irrational state of mind. The question is: where does the hate come from… Continue reading

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The God of Islam Suffers From Split Personality

Mus’ab Hassan Yousuf, Son of Hamas Leader in the West Bank: “The God of Islam Suffers from Split Personality; Muhammad – a False Prophet.”… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – An Update

A late revision to the first installment of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 5

On Anti-White Racism… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 4

The case of Sweden… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 3

The Spanish and the Portuguese — once and future dhimmis… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 2a

Fourteen centuries of war against European Civilization… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 2

This is the second of five installments of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 1

This is the first of five installments of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia…. Continue reading

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Islamic Anti-Semitism as a Political Instrument

Anti-Semitism, that is, anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism, is intensifying throughout the Muslim World. The significance of this virulent anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism coming from the Muslim World is in that this type of anti-Semitism goes beyond the hatred it espouses. Anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism constitute a major political instrument… Continue reading