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U.S. Intelligence Writes Turkey’s Future

U.S. intelligence community ponders the impact of Turkey’s growing significance in global affairs… Continue reading

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Won’t Syria Be Obama’s Main Middle East Crisis in 2013?

The Syrian civil war will go on until one side wins and the other loses. And a lot more people are going to die… Continue reading

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Murdered Diplomacy: How the Israel-Palestinian Conflict Has Been Totally Transformed

If the Israel-Palestinian situation were to be considered to be like a hand grenade, the “international community” has just pulled the pin and thrown it away… Continue reading

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Why the Current U.S. Foreign Policy Debate Doesn’t Make Sense and How to Fix It

Something very bad is happening with the U.S. foreign policy debate… Continue reading

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After the Fall: What Do You Do When You Conclude America is (Temporarily or Permanently) Kaput?

The United States has taken a political turn which at least for the next four years will guarantee that it does not play the role of a great power… Continue reading

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A Paradox of U.S. Middle East Policy: The Friend Who Acts like an Enemy is an Enemy

What’s the major problem for U.S. foreign policy during Obama’s second term… Continue reading

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Turkish-Israeli Relations: Is Normalization Possible?

On November 26, 2012, several newspapers reported that Israel and Turkey had resumed reconciliation talks between senior officials, marking a profound change since the low-point in relations occurred in the aftermath of the Gaza aid flotilla in 2010… Continue reading

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Israel Has No Other Alternative But the Alternative it Has is a Good One

By essentially unilaterally declaring the existence of an Arab Palestine, the world has abrogated the Oslo accords… Continue reading

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The Interview: “Explaining the Latest Middle East Developments” (No Satire)

Revised and updated version of an interview Barry Rubin gave recently… Continue reading

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Driving in Neutral: Hillary Clinton Explains the Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s said some very interesting and revealing things in her appearance at the Saban Center’s gala dinner, November 30. They are, however, being quoted out of context… Continue reading

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For Turkey as a Model in the Middle East, America Remains Crucial

The Turkish presumption to be a “model” for the Middle East will be undermined if the United States were to withdraw from the affairs of the region… Continue reading

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Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s Speech to the UN General Assembly, November 29, 2012

The United Nations General Assembly voted, as expected, in favor of upgrading the Palestinians’ status to that of a non-member observer state. Prior to Thursday’s vote, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas addressed the UN General Assembly… Continue reading

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Ambassador Ron Prosor’s Speech to the UN General Assembly, November 29, 2012

The United Nations General Assembly voted, as expected, in favor of upgrading the Palestinians’ status to that of a non-member observer state. Prior to Thursday’s vote, Ambassador of Israel to the UN Ron Prosor addressed the UN General Assembly… Continue reading

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UN: Palestine is Now a Non-Member State; Reality: Palestine Will Continue to be a Non-Existent State

The UN will give Palestine the status of a non-member state. The only thing that will change is to convince people even more that they are following a clever and successful strategy. They aren’t… Continue reading

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Did Hamas Engineer Border Violence to Extract a Dangerous Concession from Israel?

Conflict at the Gaza border on the 23rd November, in which one Palestinian man was shot dead by the IDF, has added to the noise made by supporters of the Palestinian cause that Israel was aggressor in the November 2012 violence… Continue reading

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Breaking Anchor: Turkey’s Disappearing EU Accession Process

The European Commission issued its most critical report on Turkey’s progress towards meeting the criteria for EU membership since accession negotiations were formally inaugurated in 2005… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Way – Confrontation at Home and Abroad – May be Backfiring

Turkey’s governing Justice and Development Party has been well served by the confrontational style of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan… Continue reading

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So You Want to End the Israel-Hamas War? Here’s How to Do It

A lot of people have asked the purpose of Israel’s defensive war against Hamas… Continue reading

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Obama Administration Secret Talks with Iran Confirmed

The Obama Administration is secretly negotiating with Iran… Continue reading

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Russia-Turkey Strains Deepen over Syria

The Syrian crisis is a good test of the strength of the Russia-Turkish detente… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Changing Syria Policy: Giving Diplomacy a Chance?

Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan, proposed that the crisis in Syria be addressed through diplomatic methods and called for the establishment of an international mechanism for dialogue… Continue reading

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Turkey-Azerbaijan Summit Consummates Reconciliation

Turkish-Azerbaijani relations have been on the rebound in recent months since the Turkish-Armenian reconciliation effort has effectively collapsed over differences… Continue reading

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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President Barack Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly

President Barack Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly… Continue reading