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How the U.S. Government Should Deal With the Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital Issue

Recently there has been a controversy when State Department spokespeople refused to say what they thought to be Israel’s capital. To understand this issue we need to understand that there are two different issues involved… Continue reading

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U.S. Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Captures Jerusalem

Speaking to an often-cheering group of about 400 people in Jerusalem, Governor Mitt Romney gave a speech less notable for what he said than for the fact that the audience believed he was sincere in saying it… Continue reading

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Turkey Raises Central Asian Profil through SCO Link

The decision of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Beijing to designate Turkey a formal dialogue partner of the organization is yet another sign of recognition of Turkey’s growing influence in Central and South Asia… Continue reading

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Yankee Go Home! Saith the Good Guys

The interesting news was not that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was pelted with stuff while visiting Cairo, the important issue was who was doing the pelting… Continue reading

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In A Few Years China Will Likely Be the Second-Most Important Country for Israel

There is a remarkable amount of interest in China about Israel and Jews… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egyptians Miffed Over Continuing Algerian Antagonism

Egyptian and foreign observers alike marveled at a level of nationalist fervor and mass mobilization rarely seen before… Continue reading

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Israeli Settlements, American Pressure, and Peace

President Obama apparently believed that pressuring Israel to halt construction of homes in Jewish neighborhoods in parts of Jerusalem would advance peace. In reality, the opposite ensued… Continue reading

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Why Isn’t Obama Visiting Israel?

By now it’s clear that President Barack Obama isn’t going to visit Israel in his term of office… Continue reading

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What to Say When You’re Handed the Obama-Is-Good-for-Israel Talking Points

Many Americans, and particularly Jews, are starting to receive mailings encouraging them to vote for President Barack Obama or donate to his reelection campaign of by arguing that he is pro-Israel… Continue reading

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The Al Houla atrocity: The outcome of nuclear diplomacy with Iran

Bashar Assad and his army chiefs can safely carry on with their “unspeakable crimes” for the next six months under the Iranian-Russian umbrella… Continue reading

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Turkey-Iraq Relations: From Bad to Worse

Relations between the governments of Iraq and Turkey continue to deteriorate… Continue reading

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Iranian Diplomat’s Involvement in Sexual Abuse in Brazil Causes Media Storm

The involvement of an Iranian diplomat in sexual abuse in Brazil has Iran’s media in a frenzy… Continue reading

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Obama’s “Secret” Plan on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Issue and Why It Will Fail

The problem with the Obama administration is that it wants to pursue policies that may be acceptable to the day-dreaming cultural elite, but not to… Continue reading

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Can Afghanistan Be Rescued?

U.S. president Barack Obama entered office with a bold plan to combat Afghanistan’s escalating insurgency… Continue reading

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What’s The Proper U.S. Middle East Policy? It’s Simple Though Not Easy

Since there is so much bad policy on the Middle East to critique and since there’s no hope of the Obama Administration listening to alternative strategies… Continue reading

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Iran Nuclear Talks: What were the six points Obama sent Khamenei through Erdogan?

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan visited Tehran and personally handed Obama’s six-point message to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei… Continue reading

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China-Turkey Summit: Economic Enticements Overshadow Differences

The decision of Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping to visit Turkey along with Ireland and the United States during his ten-day world tour before becoming president in about a year underscores the importance Turkey holds for China’s leaders… Continue reading

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Obama Hearts Turkish Leader Erdogan As He Oppresses His Own People and Stabs America in the Back

President Barack Obama is continuing his love affair with Turkish Islamist leader Recep Erdogan… Continue reading

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In 2011, US primacy in the Middle East died; In 2012, The Funeral Will Be Held

In the Middle East, the vultures are coming home to roost… Continue reading

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Talking Points

A hallmark of U.S. President Barack Obama’s approach to Israel has been to confront Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly about areas of disagreement almost every time they meet… Continue reading

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Obama: Please Apologize for Burning American Credibility

It should be obvious by now that President Barack Obama and his administration don’t know some basic things about the conduct of international relations… Continue reading

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Middle East Myths Metastasize, Iran War Hysteria Rages Onward

Much written and said about the Middle East has always been fantasy. And number one on that list is the war hysteria with Iran… Continue reading

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From UN Watch: Pakistan and Chavez Running for Seat on Top UN Rights Body

The governments of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Pakistan are slated to run unopposed for seats on the UN’s 47-nation Human Rights Council this year… Continue reading

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From Al-Masry Al-Youm: South Sudan FM: relations with Israel no threat to Cairo

South Sudan’s friendly relationship with Israel will not pose any threat to Egypt… Continue reading

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Crisis in US-Israel Relations over Nuclear Talks with Iran

In the last 24 hours, the approach of international talks with Iran on its nuclear program has escalated already high tensions over the issue between the Obama administration and the Israeli government… Continue reading