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Obama Accepts Prospect of Nuclear-Armed Iran

During the four days between Thursday March 4 and Monday March 7, the Obama administration switched its Iran policy… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.K.’s Briefing on Terminated BAE/Saudi Arabia Foreign Bribery Case

During a three-day meeting in January 2007 of the OECD Working Group on Bribery, a separate session of the meeting was devoted to the U.K.’s termination… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Most Moderate Democracy Advocate Speaks and Says a Lot

There is no more courageous, sincere, and moderate person in Egypt than the blogger who is known as Sandmonkey. He faced serious harassment… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: ‘Internecine Warfare’ in the Gaddafi Family

The leader of the Libyan revolution presides over a “famously fractious” family that is powerful, wealthy, dysfunctional and marked by internecine struggles… Continue reading

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Libyan Revolt Spreads Despite Violent Crackdown

Multiple eyewitnesses have reported that Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city, was in the hands of protesters and their military allies after several days… Continue reading

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Egypt: 6th Statement of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

Egypt’s Military released a statement Monday to persuade Egyptians to end the demonstrations and strikes that culminated last… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Reality of the Muslim Brotherhood

This analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood, written by Tarek Heggy, is one of the best written recently. This analysis might also reflect what Egypt’s… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Military Announces Policy, Economic Factors Emerge

The Egyptian military’s Armed Forces Supreme Council has released its fourth communiqué. The group includes the heads of the army, navy, and air force… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Saudi Arabia Cannot Pump Enough Oil to Keep a Lid on Prices

The US fears that Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude oil exporter, may not have enough reserves to prevent oil prices escalating, confidential cables from… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Government: Cheer Egypt’s Demonstrations, Suppress Those at Home

Labor unions marched to protest the reduction of workers’ rights in Ankara. The government declared the demonstration illegal, gassed demonstrators, and police attacked… Continue reading

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Yemen Fears Egyptian-style Protests, President Won’t Extend Presidential Term

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, a key US ally against al Qaeda, said on Wednesday he will not seek to extend his presidency in a move that would end his… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Is Saudi boom reaching its limits?

With temperatures reaching 115 degrees, the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia is both literally and metaphorically “too darn hot.” With vast investments being made in oil and… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Revolution: A Simple Guide

The first issue is whether only the ruler or the entire regime is going to fall. The mere resignation of President Husni Mubarak from office would not be a huge problem… Continue reading

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Netanyahu Warns Against Islamist Takeover of Egypt

Netanyahu warned that extreme Islamic radicals could take advantage of the upheaval in the country and gain control of Egypt, just as they did in Iran in 1979… Continue reading

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Assad: anti-US and anti-Israel Stance will Save Him from an Uprising

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad believes he has more time for reforms, because of his anti-US and anti-Israel policy. He believes Egypt is suffering for its connection with the U.S. and Israel… Continue reading

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Whose Fault is the Egyptian Revolt?

Robert Malley, son of Simon Malley, ace Israel-hater, scion of the Egyptian Communist Party, former White House aide, and a key person in the lobby of Middle East… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Iran and Gaza with Mubarak’s Son

During an hour-long meeting on February 17 [2009], Gamal Mubarak discussed with Senator Joseph Lieberman the problems with Gaza and Palestinian reconciliation… Continue reading

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Iranian Reactions to Tunisia’s “Jasmine Revolution”

This week, Iran’s media extensively covered the dramatic happenings in Tunisia and President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali’s escape from the country… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: France Under Fire over Support for Tunisia

The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, was accused Monday of tacitly propping up dictatorship in north Africa and of botched diplomacy in France’s ambivalent response to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Finding a Successor to Ben Ali in Tunisia

According to a 2006 cable, the US thinks that the US-Tunisian bilateral relationship is likely to remain unaffected by a departure of Ben Ali in the future… Continue reading

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North Korea: Adding Insult To Injury

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be very happy with such a “nuclear” friend in North Korea… Continue reading