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Learning the Wrong Lessons from Ike

The real lessons of 1956… Continue reading

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Why Obama Should Postpone Giving Advanced Weapons to Egypt: A Guide for Congress

Obama should have to pay for his pro-Islamist behavior in public opinion and the loss of congressional support… Continue reading

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On Mistaking Mohamed Mursi For His Mask

2012 will likely be remembered as the year that Islamists made the greatest gains in their quest for a new caliphate in the region… Continue reading

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Western Leftists Back Islamists; Arab Counterparts Are Their Victims

The Western left were for decades apologists for repression carried out by the USSR, Soviet bloc, and other communist dictatorships, and now they are apologists for Islamist repression carried out against Arab leftists… Continue reading

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A Paradox of U.S. Middle East Policy: The Friend Who Acts like an Enemy is an Enemy

What’s the major problem for U.S. foreign policy during Obama’s second term… Continue reading

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Egypt “Democratically” Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship

What are the next steps for Mursi?… Continue reading

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Why Islamists Always Win “Fair” Elections

How politics work in the Arabic-speaking world today… Continue reading

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Analyzing Egypt

Whatever the outcome from the upcoming referendum to begin on Saturday in Egypt for the draft constitution, the superior position of the Islamist factions is unlikely to be overthrown in the near future… Continue reading

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Mishandling Mursi

Only a week after being praised by the Obama Administration for his supposed helpfulness in ending the fighting in Gaza between Hamas and Israel, Egyptian President Mursi apparently decided to cash in his praise “chips” early… Continue reading

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A Turning Point in Egypt: Not on Direction But on the Speed of Islamist Transformation

A critical moment has arrived for Egypt. But what does it mean?… Continue reading

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Ayman Zawahiri and Egypt: A Trip Through Time

Around 1985, current al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri fled his homeland of Egypt, presumably never to return, he never forgot his original objective: transforming Egypt into an Islamist state that upholds and enforces the totality of Sharia law, and that works towards the resurrection of a global caliphate… Continue reading

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The Interview: “Explaining the Latest Middle East Developments” (No Satire)

Revised and updated version of an interview Barry Rubin gave recently… Continue reading

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Egypt’s New Constitution: Laying the Basis for an Islamist, Sharia State

Egypt’s population will be given two weeks to consider the Constitution, which has 236 articles, that will govern their lives for decades to come… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Islamism Overshadows the “New Egypt”

What are the early warning signs of an Islamist totalitarian state… Continue reading

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The Islamist Regime’s Game Plan for Egypt

What’s been happening in Egypt this week is as important as the revolution that overthrew the old regime almost two years ago… Continue reading

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Who Won The Latest Israel-Hamas War?

Naturally the question of who won any given war preoccupies people’s minds… Continue reading

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The trap that Arik built

The cease-fire agreement that Israel accepted Wednesday night to end the current round of Palestinian rocket and missile attacks is not a good deal for Israel by any stretch of the imagination… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Islamist President Assumes Dictatorial Powers

Egypt’s President Morsi assumes sweeping powers, branded new pharaoh… Continue reading

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Ceasefire in Israel-Hamas War

Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire Wednesday to end eight days of fighting, promising to halt air strikes and rocket attacks… Continue reading

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The Middle East Crises of 2013 Are Already In Dress Rehearsal

If 2011 was the year of the Arab Spring, 2013 looks to be the year of the Arab Fall… Continue reading

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A Hamas Divided

Whenever the Israel-Palestine conflict is in the news, too much ink is wasted over moralizing rather than analyzing… Continue reading

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The Israel-Hamas War and the Suicide Strategy: How Arab Forces Expect to Launch Losing Wars and Still Win

One of the most important things to understand about how the Middle East works is what I’ll call the suicide strategy… Continue reading

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So You Want to End the Israel-Hamas War? Here’s How to Do It

A lot of people have asked the purpose of Israel’s defensive war against Hamas… Continue reading

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Operation Amud Anan: Lessons for the World from a New Gaza War

The new war between Hamas and Israel has a lot of important lessons for international diplomacy and U.S. policy today… Continue reading