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U.S. Policy: To Understand the Middle East Why Not Study The Real Middle East?

A lot of people may think that I’m too tough on President Barack Obama and the New York Times. Yet every day they do something that… Continue reading

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Arab Spring: What Does It Really Mean?

There are 20 Muslim-majority political entities in the Middle East — counting the Gaza Strip and West Bank separately… Continue reading

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President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa Speech, May 19, 2011

Official release of President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech… Continue reading

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Obama’s Muslim Outreach 2.0: Doing business with the Muslim Brotherhood

President Obama’s latest paean to what he calls “the Muslim world,” delivered at the State Department today, was an exercise in whistling past the… Continue reading

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The Foreign Policy Elite and Bureaucracy Starts Parting Ways with Obama

Perhaps the most important policymaking development of the last month has been President Barack Obama’s increasingly visible loss of… Continue reading

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Massive Anti-Israel Rally in Egypt Organized by…Facebook

Repeatedly we were told about the alleged absence of anti-Israel rhetoric and signs in Tahrir square during the revolution. I don’t think it was true… Continue reading

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“Intifada of Unity”: Iranian Press and its Support for the Palestinian Reconciliation Agreement

The Hamas-Fatah reconciliation agreement achieved in Cairo last week was enthusiastically supported by Iran… Continue reading

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Will the Arab Uprisings Result in the Emergence of a Sunni Bloc Dominated by Turkey?

Against the background of the fall of the autocratic regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, the massive demonstrations in Yemen, Syria and Bahrain… Continue reading

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Is there a link between Bin Laden’s killing and the Arab Revolt?

The photos released of the fortified villa in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where Osama bin Laden died on Sunday night, show a… Continue reading

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Does Money really drive Turkey’s stance toward Arab Revolts?

A narrative has emerged to explain the varied responses of the Turkish government, led by the Justice and Development Party, or… Continue reading

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Egypt: Pillar of Fire and Political Plagues Are Bad Signs

Gas flames shooting 65 feet high signal the birth of a new Middle East. That pillar of fire, unlike the Biblical one, indicates that Egyptians… Continue reading

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Clinton: The Situation is Unsustainable Because I Say So

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end. Thou art weighed in the balances… Continue reading

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Reading Ahmadinejad in Riga

There’s nothing like having to explain a complex subject to people to improve one’s own understanding of the issues… Continue reading

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Egypt Goes Full Circle: Back to Imprisoning Bloggers

The group that began the Egyptian revolution had just two important priorities before setting to overthrow the Mubarak regime… Continue reading

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U.S.-backed Egyptian “Moderate” leader Muhammad ElBaradei Threatens War On Israel

Everything has been so predictable. Designated “moderate” and U.S.-backed Egyptian leader Muhammad ElBaradei has made a… Continue reading

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Mass Media Now Admits It Was Also Wrong About Post-Mubarak Egypt’s Foreign Policy

Now that the New York Times tells us that the Muslim Brotherhood is really strong, organized, widely supported by the army, and capable of taking… Continue reading

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Who Really Made Egypt’s Revolution? The Story The Media Missed

The world’s eyes have been focused on Egypt’s dramatic revolution. Yet incredibly, the media, government intelligence agencies, and… Continue reading

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The Anti-Israel “Global BDS Day of Action”

BDS, an umbrella network striving to boycott Israel, is holding a global “Day of Action” in solidarity with the Palestinian… Continue reading

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The Intervention in Libya: A Feel-Good Mirage

The Western intervention in Libya is the kind of thing that makes governments feel good and look good… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Proves It Is Radical and Aggressive

In his New York Times op-ed back in February, Muslim Brotherhood agent — disguised as sophisticated academic — Tariq Ramadan wrote… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Regional Leadership in the Middle East: Principle or Realpolitik?

In stark contrast to its support for the protest movements in Egypt and Tunisia, Turkey has abstained from taking a principled, democratic stand… Continue reading

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Israel-Hamas War is Inevitable

The Egyptian revolution and U.S. policy mistakes make a new Israel-Hamas war inevitable, and as a result it will be a lot more… Continue reading

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Building the New Mid-East

Today’s cartoon is from twenty years ago this month! Back then the media and all the pundits explained that as soon as the dust of war… Continue reading

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ElBaradei Stoned and Shoed: The Truth in Egypt Starts Coming Out

I want to call your attention to the event, discussed in this article, in which hundreds of Brotherhood supporters attacked presidential candidate Muhammad ElBaradei… Continue reading

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Egyptian Politics Get Dangerously Messy

The issue now is a March 19 referendum on the constitutional changes proposed by a small army-appointed panel. The panel was… Continue reading