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Egyptian Revolutionaries Ungrateful to Obama Administration

Who’d possibly have thought it? Answer: Anybody who understands the Middle East. You see, the Obama Administration rushed… Continue reading

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U.S. Middle East Policy and Those Little Ideas That Get Millions of People Killed

I listened again to President Barack Obama’s main speech on Egypt back during the revolution and two phrases caught my ear… Continue reading

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Amr Moussa: Meet Egypt’s Next President?

It’s now official. The Egyptian presidential election will pit Amr Moussa against Muhammad ElBaradei. It’s hard to see a… Continue reading

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Why Does the Media Report the Opposite of What’s True in the Middle East?

Here’s one of a thousand examples of how Middle East reality is being misrepresented. I’m told by people that the deputy head of… Continue reading

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Hamas Applauds anti-Israel Position of the New Egyptian Foreign Minister

Hamas applauded Nabil al-Arabi’s statements. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called his positions “honorable” and said he… Continue reading

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Egypt and the Middle East: Romanticism Meets Reality

The projected million-women march turned out just 400 and they were harassed and in some cases attacked. Meanwhile, thousands of Muslims and Christians… Continue reading

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Egypt: Women Suffer Assault and Derision at Tahrir March

The romanticism of the Egyptian Revolution meets the reality of Islam dominated society. Read this report by Ali Abdel Mohsen about the Million Women March… Continue reading

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Arab Liberals Worry About an Islamist Egypt; Western Observers Claim There’s No Threat

while Western observers ridicule the fear of an Islamist Egypt, a lot of Arab writers are very worried. In fact, here are three articles that display such concerns… Continue reading

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Barack Obama and the Cavalcade of Naivete

When you look at what’s happening around the world what’s happening in the Middle East, it is a manifestation of… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Future Starts Coming Into Focus: There’s Good News and Bad News

Is this the long-awaited Arab Spring of Democracy or is it a stealth Islamist revolution? Every country is different and most governments other than… Continue reading

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Israel-Bashing: The Al-Jazeera Mirror

American journalists on the ground in the Mid-East these past few weeks, elbow-to-elbow with al-Jazeera reporters like never before… Continue reading

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Persecution of Christians Begins in “Democratic” Egypt

Once the revolution began, Egypt’s Christians knew precisely what to expect. It isn’t that the regime of Husni Mubarak protected them so well from… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Revolution: The More They Reassure Us, The More We Worry

I think I was the first person to warn that the Egyptian revolution wasn’t all roses but also had a dangerous amount of thorns… Continue reading

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Hamas’ Ismail Haniya Invites Sheikh Yussef al-Qaradawi to Visit the Gaza Strip

Ismail Haniya, head of the de facto Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip, invited Sheikh Yussef al-Qardawi, who recently returned to Egypt… Continue reading

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Libyan Ambassadors Resign Posts to Protest Bloody Crackdown

The Jerusalem Post reported Tuesday Libyan diplomats all over the world resigned from their positions, in protest a bloody crackdown against… Continue reading

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Libyan Revolt Spreads Despite Violent Crackdown

Multiple eyewitnesses have reported that Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city, was in the hands of protesters and their military allies after several days… Continue reading

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Egypt: Escaped Hezbollah Terrorist Participated in Hezbollah Rally in Beirut

Sami Shihab, a Hezbollah operative who escaped from an Egyptian prison, participated in a Hezbollah rally in Beirut. His network infiltrated… Continue reading

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Reformist Opposition brings Thousands to Iran’s Streets for first time since 2009 Protests

On Monday, February 14, several thousand demonstrators held protest rallies as planned, despite heavy deployment of the security forces… Continue reading

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Iran and the post-Mubarak “New Middle East”

Iran’s conservative media gave extensive coverage of President Mubarak’s resignation, claiming that the fall of the Egyptian president heralds the dawn of… Continue reading

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Egypt Licenses First Moderate Islamic Party

An Egyptian court has licensed a moderate Islamic party Saturday after its application for legal status was turned down four times by the former Egyptian… Continue reading

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Egypt: Qaradawi Tries to Take Charge of the Revolution

Let history show that neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post reported on the return of the world’s single most important Islamic cleric to Cairo… Continue reading

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Egypt Gets Its Khomeini: Qaradawi Returns in Triumph

Friday, February 18 may be a turning point in Egyptian history. On this day Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the best-known Muslim Brotherhood cleric in the world and… Continue reading

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Revolution in Tunisia, Reform in Jordan Unleashes Anti-Jewish Forces

Recently, when I spoke on developments in Egypt, a serious and respected Middle East expert claimed that there was no sign of anti-American or anti-Israel… Continue reading

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What Next in Egypt? A Detailed Assessment

The Egyptian political situation has now entered a new phase. The first order of business is to write a new constitution, a process that should take months… Continue reading

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Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Rejects Khamenei Calls for Iran-style Islamic State

Egypt’s main opposition party, the Muslim Brotherhood, have rejected calls by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei for an Islamic Revolution similar to… Continue reading