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Muslim Brotherhood: “Egypt Should Develop in All Spheres Like Iran and have a President Like Ahmadinejad”

Since the start of the Egyptian Januari 25 revolution leaders of Egypt’s primary opposition party, the Muslim Brotherhood, are being questioned about how… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Military Announces Policy, Economic Factors Emerge

The Egyptian military’s Armed Forces Supreme Council has released its fourth communiqué. The group includes the heads of the army, navy, and air force… Continue reading

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Fourth Egyptian Military Statement: Committed to Democracy, Foreign Treaties will be Honoured

The Egyptian military said they were committed to a democratic process that would result in civilian rule. They also asked the Egyptian people… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Imprisoned Egyptian Opposition Leader: Defend Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights

Ayman Nour, one of the senior leaders of the Egyptian opposition who is currently organizing a coalition to create an interim government, wrote an eloquent letter from prison… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Seeking Ways to Advance Human Rights in Egypt

Michael Posner (Assistant Secretary of State) told activists and opposition politicians that the U.S. is seeking ways to advance human rights and political participation in Egypt… Continue reading

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Islamic Jihadi Groups May Try to Exploit Egypt’s Turmoil

Exporting terrorism and subversion from the Gaza Strip: in our assessment terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip may exploit the recent events to increase… Continue reading

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Iranian Students Urge Muslims to Chant ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ in Solidarity with Egyptians, Tunisians

The Association of Unity among Muslim Students called on Muslims around the world to chant ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ (God is Great) slogan on Thursday night in a unified move to voice their solidarity… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Government: Cheer Egypt’s Demonstrations, Suppress Those at Home

Labor unions marched to protest the reduction of workers’ rights in Ankara. The government declared the demonstration illegal, gassed demonstrators, and police attacked… Continue reading

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Syrian Authorities Break Up Protest

Why are moderate Arab regimes — even if dictatorships — shaken by protest while hardline ones aren’t? Because at the least sign of trouble the radical governments… Continue reading

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Netanyahu: Egyptian Revolt Proves Israel Needs Strong, Solid Security Arrangements

Yesterday was a dramatic day in our region. Millions of people poured into the streets of Egypt. President Mubarak, who has ruled Egypt for 30 years, announced that… Continue reading

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Yemen Fears Egyptian-style Protests, President Won’t Extend Presidential Term

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, a key US ally against al Qaeda, said on Wednesday he will not seek to extend his presidency in a move that would end his… Continue reading

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Netanyahu Warns Against Islamist Takeover of Egypt

Netanyahu warned that extreme Islamic radicals could take advantage of the upheaval in the country and gain control of Egypt, just as they did in Iran in 1979… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Defense Minister Bids for US Backing in Washington

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has sent his defense minister Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi to Washington with an urgent request for US backing for his embattled… Continue reading