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The People Have Voted and Barack Obama Is Not The Next “Muslim Idol”

How can anybody continue to spout nonsense about how President Barack Obama’s policies and endless attempts to… Continue reading

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The ElBaradei Candidacy

The seemingly interminable reign of President Hosni Mubarak has suppressed Egypt’s domestic political scene for decades. In recent weeks, however, Egyptians have been expressing tempered enthusiasm that political change may be in the air. Their inspiration: the man whom the West should blame if Iran gets a nuclear weapon… Continue reading

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Common Sense in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

In today’s Middle Eastern cold war, the Islamic Republic of Iran heads the revolutionary bloc, while the governments of Saudi Arabia and Egypt head the opposing status-quo bloc. How anxious are the Saudi and Egyptian populations of the Iranian nuclear weapons buildup… Continue reading

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Nidal Hasan: Why I murdered 13 American soldiers

Since the attack at Fort Hood, the media and politicians in the USA are avoiding political incorrectness including Barack Obama in saying that this shooting wasn’t Islamic related or at least unclear what was the motive at this point. Yet every normal thinking human being knows that the overwhelming signs all point towards the same conclusion: it was an act of… Continue reading