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WikiLeaks: Next Steps for Advancing Democracy in Egypt

At the time of the Bush administration… Continue reading

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The Battle for Egypt: The Army Strikes Back

They claim to be protecting the country from Islamic fundamentalists, who appear likely to capture a plurality of seats in parliament… Continue reading

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Economy: Are the Generals stealing Egypt?

After public warnings that it faces bankruptcy within a few months… Continue reading

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Egypt: Destroying Churches, One at a Time

What clearer sign that Egypt is turning rabidly Islamist than the fact that hardly a few weeks go by without a church being destroyed… Continue reading

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Symbol of Egypt’s Revolution On Trial For Advocating Revolution

Asmaa Mahfouz, the April 6 Youth Movement leader who said she began the Egyptian revolution with a tweet… Continue reading

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Egypt: Pillar of Fire and Political Plagues Are Bad Signs

Gas flames shooting 65 feet high signal the birth of a new Middle East. That pillar of fire, unlike the Biblical one, indicates that Egyptians… Continue reading

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Egypt Goes Full Circle: Back to Imprisoning Bloggers

The group that began the Egyptian revolution had just two important priorities before setting to overthrow the Mubarak regime… Continue reading

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Hamas is Moving Toward War With Israel

Two events show us that an emboldened Hamas in the Gaza Strip is moving toward war with Israel… Continue reading

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Mass Media Now Admits It Was Also Wrong About Post-Mubarak Egypt’s Foreign Policy

Now that the New York Times tells us that the Muslim Brotherhood is really strong, organized, widely supported by the army, and capable of taking… Continue reading

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Who Really Made Egypt’s Revolution? The Story The Media Missed

The world’s eyes have been focused on Egypt’s dramatic revolution. Yet incredibly, the media, government intelligence agencies, and… Continue reading

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Egyptian Politics Get Dangerously Messy

The issue now is a March 19 referendum on the constitutional changes proposed by a small army-appointed panel. The panel was… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt’s Increasing Efforts to Combat Hamas-Related Smuggling Activity

The government of Egypt claims to have increased its efforts against Hamas-related smuggling activity, and reports recent success in… Continue reading

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Persecution of Christians Begins in “Democratic” Egypt

Once the revolution began, Egypt’s Christians knew precisely what to expect. It isn’t that the regime of Husni Mubarak protected them so well from… Continue reading

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Israel on High Alert for Iranian Warships’ Suez Transit Carrying Missiles for Hizballah

Cairo’s approval Friday, Feb. 18 for two Iranian warships to transit the Suez Canal on their way to the Mediterranean has brought Israel and Iran… Continue reading

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Egypt: Qaradawi Tries to Take Charge of the Revolution

Let history show that neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post reported on the return of the world’s single most important Islamic cleric to Cairo… Continue reading

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U.S. Intelligence at Work: Iranian Warships? Yeah, I Heard Something About That

Following on the theme that the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization and that U.S. intelligence gets its breaking information from CNN, we have… Continue reading

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What Next in Egypt? A Detailed Assessment

The Egyptian political situation has now entered a new phase. The first order of business is to write a new constitution, a process that should take months… Continue reading

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Egypt: 6th Statement of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

Egypt’s Military released a statement Monday to persuade Egyptians to end the demonstrations and strikes that culminated last… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt Not Cracking Down on Gaza Smuggling

ISA Director Diskin said the ISA had provided detailed information on smuggling networks, but the Egyptians had failed to take action… Continue reading

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Egypt Army Council Communiqué No.5

The army council has released its 5th communiqué. Here are the new decisions of the army council… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Military Announces Policy, Economic Factors Emerge

The Egyptian military’s Armed Forces Supreme Council has released its fourth communiqué. The group includes the heads of the army, navy, and air force… Continue reading

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Netanyahu welcomes Egypt Military Pledge to maintain Peace Treaty

Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Saturday welcomed a pledge by the Egyptian military to maintain the peace treaty between the two countries… Continue reading

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Fourth Egyptian Military Statement: Committed to Democracy, Foreign Treaties will be Honoured

The Egyptian military said they were committed to a democratic process that would result in civilian rule. They also asked the Egyptian people… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt’s Military Will Ensure Transfer of Power

NDP insider and former minister Dr. Ali El Deen Hilal Dessouki said Egyptian military and security services would ensure a smooth transfer of power, even to a civilian… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Mubarak Resignation and Its Consequences

In a move that simultaneously caught the world by surprise and yet indicated the regime’s strategy, Egyptian President Husni Mubarak announced his resignation only… continue reading