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Palestinian Terrorism: Portrait of the Popular Resistance Committees

Responsible for the Series of Combined Terrorist Attacks North of Eilat, Israel’s Southernmost City… Continue reading

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What’s REALLY Happening in the Middle East Today

A few hours ago I wrote that the Egyptian military government reportedly told Israel that a major Israeli offensive… Continue reading

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A Foretaste of The New Democratic Egypt: Radical Nationalists and “Liberal Islamists”

There is still confusion regarding some details of the terrorist assault by Gaza Palestinians affiliated with al-Qaida… Continue reading

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Israel regrets Egypt deaths, strives to reduce tension between Jerusalem and Cairo

Israel’s defense minister Barak issued a public statement of Israeli regret for the deaths of Egyptian policemen in the course of a terrorist attack… Continue reading

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Eilat Terror Attack: A most peculiar use of language

With the recent tragic events where Palestinian terrorists killed nine Israeli civilians… Continue reading

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Israel: Blood in the Streets

Israeli military preparedness follows a depressing pattern… Continue reading

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Terrorists Attack Egyptian Army, More Details on Eilat Terror Attack

A gunfight is going on in the early afternoon of Friday between terrorists and the Egyptian army… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu Statement Following the Eilat Terror Attack

Those who gave the order to murder our citizens, while hiding in Gaza, are no longer among the living… Continue reading