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Iran Cuts Down to Six Weeks Timeline for Weapons-Grade Uranium

Tehran this week hardened its nuclear and military policies in defiance of tougher sanctions and ahead of international nuclear talks… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: China’s approach to Iran’s nuclear (weapons) program triggers concerns

China opposes expanded sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program according to leaked wikileaks cables… Continue reading

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Iran: Enough Enriched Uranium for Four Nuclear Bombs

The Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, American’s scientific watchdog on world nuclear weapons production, estimates that… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Gaddafi Risked Nuclear Disaster in Libya after UN Slight

A potential “environmental disaster” was kept secret by the US last year when a large consignment of highly enriched uranium in Libya came close to cracking open… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Armenians Trigger Radiation Alarm on Georgian Border but are Waved Through

A confidential cable from the US embassy in Tbilisi records an incident in August last year when a car carrying three Armenians set off a detector on the Georgian-Armenian border. The driver was waved on by customs guards… Continue reading

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Iran Claims It Produces 30 kg Of 20-Percent Enriched Fuel

Ali Akbar Salehi, Chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said the country has produced roughly 30 kg of 20-percent enriched fuel so far, ISNA News Agency reported… Continue reading

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Obama and Netanyahu’s Assent to Bushehr – a Slippery Slope for Israel’s Security

The Obama administration and Netanyahu government greeted the start-up of Iran’s first nuclear reactor at Bushehr with extraordinary meekness, given the grim military and strategic hazards it represents for the region and Israel in particular… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration’s Middle East Disaster

Here are nine huge problems going on right now that are not being addressed by the U.S. government and are barely comprehended by the U.S. debate and large portions of the mass media… Continue reading

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Sadegh Zibakalam Warns that Iran Must Not Reject West’s Nuclear Proposal

Professor Sadegh Zibakalam, one of Iran’s top reformist intellectuals, called on the Iranian leadership this week to accept the West’s proposal regarding the transfer of enriched uranium abroad in exchange for nuclear fuel, warning against… Continue reading