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The Fatah-Hamas peace process

On Monday afternoon, the Palestinians destroyed officially whatever was left of the concept of a peace process with Israel… Continue reading

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Understanding Hamas, A Detailed Assessment

What do you have to do to be recognized as a revolutionary Islamist group using terrorism… Continue reading

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Why The Issue of Land Landed President Obama In Trouble With Israel

A Muslim friend who I greatly respect wrote me that he doesn”t understand why I’ve been complaining about Obama’s speeches… Continue reading

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Obama At AIPAC: Beneath The Flattery, He Revealed His Indifference to Israel’s Needs and His Tilt Against It

I expected President Barack Obama’s AIPAC speech would be a bunch of feel-good clichés to persuade the audience that he is… Continue reading

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Obama Speech: Not Intended To Bash Israel But Did So Anyway

Only twenty percent of Obama’s Middle East speech dealt with Israel-Palestinian issues and that only at the end. Clearly, this was… Continue reading

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President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa Speech, May 19, 2011

Official release of President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech… Continue reading

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Radical Islamist Hamas Movement Struggles to Present a Moderate Image Since the Palestinian Reconciliation Agreement

Statements made by senior Hamas figures since the internal Palestinian reconciliation agreement attempt to present a moderate image… Continue reading

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Massive Anti-Israel Rally in Egypt Organized by…Facebook

Repeatedly we were told about the alleged absence of anti-Israel rhetoric and signs in Tahrir square during the revolution. I don’t think it was true… Continue reading

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The Main Points of the Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation Agreement

On May 3 a reconciliation agreement was signed in Cairo between Fatah and Hamas. The signing was attended by… Continue reading

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Why The Palestinian Authority-Hamas Deal Is So Dangerous

The Fatah-Hamas decision to reconcile, form a joint Palestinian Authority (PA) government and hold elections seems to be a… Continue reading

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“Intifada of Unity”: Iranian Press and its Support for the Palestinian Reconciliation Agreement

The Hamas-Fatah reconciliation agreement achieved in Cairo last week was enthusiastically supported by Iran… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood: Obama’s Chosen Partner for Promoting American Interests in the Arab World

Barack Obama, President of Israel’s best friend and ally, has picked the Muslim Brotherhood movement of the Middle East as his chosen partner… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy Toward Palestinian Authority-Hamas Deal: Any Change Coming?

Here’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Hamas-Palestinian Authority deal… Continue reading

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U.S. Won’t Support Any Palestinian Fatah-Hamas Gov’t Unless Hamas Reforms

The U.S. won’t support any Fatah-Hamas government that includes Hamas unless the Islamist Jihadi group reforms… Continue reading

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Mass Media Nonsense and Western Blindness

It is amazing what nonsense appears in the mass media. Consider the following paragraph from a Washington Post story… Continue reading

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Bin Laden’s Death Creates Teachable Moments about the Middle East

Ding-dong, bin-Ladin’s dead. The Wicked Terrorist of the West is no more. But there are plenty more around… Continue reading

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Egypt: Pillar of Fire and Political Plagues Are Bad Signs

Gas flames shooting 65 feet high signal the birth of a new Middle East. That pillar of fire, unlike the Biblical one, indicates that Egyptians… Continue reading

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U.S. Government, Media Completely Wrong on Egypt, Now Advise on Peace Process

One of my readers points out that last February I mockingly quoted the New York Times’ assurances that everything would be all right… Continue reading

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Fatah-Hamas Agreement: Another Nail in the “Peace Process’s” Coffin

Suddenly, after years of persistent failure, Fatah and Hamas — which means the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas — have signed a… Continue reading