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Photo Gallery: IHH’s Welcoming Ceremony For the Mavi Marmara

The Mavi Marmara “finally returned home after 219 days since the incident on may 31. Tens of thousands of people attended a welcome ceremony for the ship,” according to a press release from the Turkish IHH… Continue reading

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Israel Will Not Apologize, Turkey’s Government Sounds Just Like Hamas

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said that Israel will not apologize to Turkey over the raid on the Freedom Fleet flotilla and the deaths of nine Turkish activists aboard the Mavi Marmara headed for… Continue reading

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Asian Convoy in Iran: a Display of Hatred for Israel and the West

The arrival of the Asian convoy in Iran was exploited for a display of hatred for Israel and the West. Convoy activists met with Iranian president Ahmadinejad at Teheran University, where he gave a speech in which he referred to Israel as “an insult to humanity”… Continue reading

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Egypt Continues Restrictions on Entrance of Convoys and Activists

The Egyptian authorities, who recently permitted the Viva Palestina convoy to enter the Gaza Strip, continue supervising the crossing and imposing restrictions on the entrance of activists and convoys into the Gaza Strip… Continue reading