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Concerns in Iran over South Sudan Referendum

This week, Iran’s conservative press expressed dissatisfaction with and concern over the referendum held in Sudan, in which the African residents of southern Sudan will decide if they… Continue reading

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Supreme Leader’s Website Presents: Thoughts and Lessons from 2009 Riots

Last week, Iran marked the anniversary of the violent clashes that had broken out in late December 2009 between security forces and the reformist opposition, after which the protest movement was effectively suppressed… Continue reading

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Tunisia: Revolution?

A popular uprising fueled by unemployment, economic suffering, and long-term discontent has overthrown the dictator–but not necessarily the dictatorship–in Tunisia. In 55 years of independence… Continue reading

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Christians and Jews Under Attack

The main threat to the Jewish people today is no longer physical, as it was in the past. Rather, it is directed at the legitimacy and survival of the State of Israel itself, the Jewish State… Continue reading

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Gaza’s Youth Manifesto for Change!

An anonymous group of students has created a document to express their frustration born of Hamas’s violent crackdowns on ‘western decadence’, the destruction wreaked by… Continue reading

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Iranian Authorities Continue Crackdown On Rap Music

Earlier this week, Tehran Province police chief Hossein Sajediniya reported the arrest of several young Iranians belonging to underground rap groups. He said that intelligence had made it possible for the public safety police to track down and capture the group members… Continue reading