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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Operation Cast Lead Investigations with IDF

The meetings reviewed legal and operational issues related to IDF activities during Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Envoy Discusses Security with Israel

In all of his meetings, General Jones described his mandate as developing a security plan to address the needs that will arise from the establishment of a Palestinian state, factoring in the… Continue reading

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Mossad: ‘Hezbollah Can Fire 400-600 Rockets a Day in Next War’

Hezbollah would likely shoot between 400 and 600 missiles a day into Israel during a future war, a senior Mossad official told a congressional delegation to Israel in 2009, according to a US diplomatic cable published on Sunday… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel Preparing for ‘Large Scale War’

Israel’s army chief told a US Congress delegation in late 2009 he was preparing for a large war in the Middle East, probably against Hamas or Hezbollah, leaked US diplomatic cables showed on Sunday… Continue reading

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IDF Chief Expresses Personal Thoughts on Ethics to all IDF Commanders and Soldiers

On Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010, IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, sent to every commander in the IDF a letter in which he expressed his personal thoughts on ethics with regards to several recent incidents that had occurred… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia seeks strike on Iran

The German news magazine Der Spiegel has reported that Saudi Arabia is hoping Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, and is even prepared to open its skies to Israeli warplanes to allow such an operation to take place… Continue reading