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Hitler’s Shadow – Nazis and the Middle East

Recent scholarship has highlighted Nazi aims in the Middle East, including the intent to murder the Jewish population of Palestine, the relationship between the Nazi state and Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as well as the postwar place of the Holocaust in Arab and Muslim thinking… Continue reading

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Economy: Are the Generals stealing Egypt?

After public warnings that it faces bankruptcy within a few months… Continue reading

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Europe’s Underestimated Islamists

In early 1959, a small West German intelligence operation stumbled over a sensational find: U.S. collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood… Continue reading

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I Hate Israel! I Hate America! I’m a Muslim! I’ve Got it All! Let Me Be Your Leader!

I hate Israel and want to destroy it! And besides we’re all Muslims. So let me lead the Middle East… Continue reading

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Terrorists Attack Egyptian Army, More Details on Eilat Terror Attack

A gunfight is going on in the early afternoon of Friday between terrorists and the Egyptian army… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood: “Impose Islam… Step by Step”

Things are looking good for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfather of all Islamist groups… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Reality of the Muslim Brotherhood

This analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood, written by Tarek Heggy, is one of the best written recently. This analysis might also reflect what Egypt’s… Continue reading

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Turkey and the Middle Eastern Revolts: Democracy or Islamism?

Turkey’s leaders have embraced the popular revolts in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President Abdullah Gül publicly urging Egyptian… Continue reading

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How American ‘Experts’ View the Islamist Threat

As I pointed out recently the mass media in America generally presents only one side of the debate nowadays. Then, it publishes nonsense which survives because… Continue reading

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Hadrian’s Curse – The Invention Of Palestine

Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called “Palestine” after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more… Continue reading

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The ElBaradei Candidacy

The seemingly interminable reign of President Hosni Mubarak has suppressed Egypt’s domestic political scene for decades. In recent weeks, however, Egyptians have been expressing tempered enthusiasm that political change may be in the air. Their inspiration: the man whom the West should blame if Iran gets a nuclear weapon… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi calls for Jihad on Switzerland and Zionists

It’s no surprise that in his call for Jihad on Switzerland, he also mentions the zionists (meaning Israel) as enemies of Islam. As a militant Islamic leader he has no sympathy for Israel or zionists and takes… Continue reading

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Syria and the 1948 War in Palestine – part 1

Shukri al-Quwwatli’s war policy during the conflict in Palestine was a disaster both for his presidency and for democracy in Syria. It is easy to argue that Syria should never have pushed for war in Palestine… Continue reading

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UN Security Council Resolution 242

Resolution 242 is the cornerstone for what it calls “a just and lasting peace.” It calls for a negotiated solution based on “secure and recognized boundaries” – recognizing the flaws in Israel’s previous temporary borders – the 1948 Armistice lines or the “Green Line” – by not calling upon Israel to withdraw from ‘all occupied territories,’ but rather “from territories occupied.”… Continue reading