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Did Israel ‘Apologize’ to Turkey? Well, No, Not Exactly

To understand what happened one must examine the long negotiations on this issue… Continue reading

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Turkey trots toward Islamism

The Turkish regime is gradually suppressing freedom as its society moves steadily toward a more hardline Islamic identity… Continue reading

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Closer Ties or Further Diplomatic Tension between Israel and Ireland?

The Knesset speaker’s visit to Ireland, Irish F.M. Eamon Gilmore’s visit to Gaza, and the looming visit of an anti-Israeli Irish President… Continue reading

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Knesset speaker visits Ireland: “It is legitimate to criticise us but first you must know the facts”

Ireland and Israel have had a less than harmonious relationship over the years so the significance of Mr. Rivlin’s visit has been highlighted by Israeli officials, noting that high-level bilateral contact between Ireland and Israel are relatively rare… Continue reading

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Warmongering Turkey trying to intimidate Cyprus as well

Tensions are not only mounting between Israel and Turkey since the release of the UN Palmer report… Continue reading

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Turkish Regime to Israel; Obama White House to Real Middle East Moderates: Drop Dead

It seems to be a secret mainly to the White House and most of the Western mass media that Turkey is being turned into a police state… Continue reading

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Legal issues and the Flotilla: Further points in the argument over the blockade

The legality and morality of Israel’s blockade has been questioned extensively and is the supposed subject of sustained and extensive protest… Continue reading

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The Flytilla Farce And The International Campaign For Repressive Dictatorship and Against Israel

After the failure of the Gaza flotilla, Western leftists and their Arab, often Islamist, allies took up a new way to harass Israel… Continue reading

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Legal issues and the Flotilla: Can Greece legitimately prevent the flotilla sailing to Gaza?

There has been a lot of outrage in the last week over Greece’s decision not to allow several flotilla ships sail from its docks to Gaza… Continue reading

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Israel, Greece, Turkey join hands to stall Gaza flotilla

The 350 activists left of the 1,500 activists originally planning to sail nine boats against Israel’s naval blockade on Gaza… Continue reading

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Canadian and American Flotilla Activists Participated in a Workshop Centering on “Passive Resistance”

The Canadians and Americans about to set sail with the flotilla from Greece participated in… Continue reading

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NY Times “Scoop”: Israel Claims Media Coverage is Unfair

Sometimes when one of the better reporters around tries to be fair the result shows up the low quality of Middle East coverage generally… Continue reading

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Flotilla Activists Received Nonviolent Resistance Training; Hard Violence against the IDF can be Expected

The organizers of Freedom Flotilla 2 have repeatedly emphasized its purportedly humanitarian character and their commitment to… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Election: An Islamist Revolution

By the end of 2011 more than 250 million people in the Middle East may well be living under what are in reality anti-American Islamist governments… Continue reading

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Pro-Palestinian Activists Set for Mass ‘Fly-In’ to Israeli Airport as Part of Int’l Campaign to Delegitimize Israel

Anti-Israeli organizations examine implementing propaganda displays based on flying large numbers of activists to Ben-Gurion Airport on commercial flights… Continue reading

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IHH Leader Yildirim: “We Will Not Hesitate to Sacrifice Shaheeds to Achieve the Flotilla’s Objective”

IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the upcoming flotilla to the Gaza Strip, joined Turkish Islamist organizations in… Continue reading

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Members of Congress Urge Turkey to Prevent 2nd Gaza Flotilla

On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of members of Congress spearheaded by Reps. Steve Israel (D — NY) and Tom Cole (R — OK) has written a letter to Turkish… Continue reading

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The Many Vices of Richard Boyd-Barrett

Richard Boyd-Barrett: Populist disingenuous hard leftism, support for Islamicist terror and advocacy for the destruction of Israel… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Verhagen Onthutst Na Bezoek Lieberman

Volgens een WikiLeaks kabel van de Amerikaanse ambassade in Den Haag was Verhagen na afloop onthutst over de handelswijze van Lieberman en met name over de… Lees verder

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A Turkish Anti-Israeli movie: “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine”

A Turkish anti-Israeli film titled Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (to be released on January 28) portrays the Mavi Marmara incident as a premeditated attack by the IDF on innocent people… Continue reading

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The Turkel Commission Report and Initial Reactions

On January 23 the Turkel Commission issued the first part of its report. The commission investigated the issue of the Israeli takeover of the flotilla, during which IDF forces were attacked… Continue reading

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Photo Gallery: IHH’s Welcoming Ceremony For the Mavi Marmara

The Mavi Marmara “finally returned home after 219 days since the incident on may 31. Tens of thousands of people attended a welcome ceremony for the ship,” according to a press release from the Turkish IHH… Continue reading

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The Ideology Behind the Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan

A convoy from India and other Asian countries left New Delhi to reach the Gaza Strip at the end of December. Among the participants are extreme leftist and Islamic activists who were joined by human rights activists. The convoy has links to FGM, which plays a central role in organizing flotillas… Continue reading

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The Anti-Israel Ideology of the International Solidarity Movement

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a network founded by extreme American leftists and part of the campaign to delegitimize Israel. In the second intifada it specialized in hindering IDF counterterrorism activity, indirectly supporting terrorism… Continue reading

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Gaza-Bound ‘Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan’ Leaving India

The Asian convoy set out from Delhi in India on December 1. It was delayed for a number of days by the Indian and Pakistani authorities on the border between the two countries, but on December 5 it crossed the border on its way to Lahore, Pakistan, and from… Continue reading