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Cliona Campbell’s Claims and Wall’s Wily Whitewash

Cliona Campbell, a University Student, did two months of voluntary work for the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) this year. This act was unusual for a number of reasons. Was she a Jewish volunteer? No. Was she a member of an… Continue reading

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Interview With Turkish Journalist Who Was On The Mavi Marmara Contradicts UN Report

In a TV interview, Turkish journalist Şefik Dinç, who was on the Mavi Marmara and wrote a book about it, said that no shots were fired from the Israeli helicopters and that IDF soldiers did not open fire until their lives were in danger. The interview clearly contradicts the IHH narrative and… Continue reading

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IHH Plans New Flotilla to Challenge Naval Blockade of Gaza

The Turkish-based IHH group that sent terror activists on a flotilla ship in May to clash with IDF soldiers, hoping to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza, now plans to launch a second attempt to coincide with the anniversary of the Cast Lead counter-terrorism war… Continue reading