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Israeli Settlements, American Pressure, and Peace

President Obama apparently believed that pressuring Israel to halt construction of homes in Jewish neighborhoods in parts of Jerusalem would advance peace. In reality, the opposite ensued… Continue reading

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Israel, Ireland and the peace of the aging

Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing at all… Continue reading

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Where Obama is leading Israel

In the aftermath of US President Barack Obama’s May 19 speech on the Middle East, his supporters argued that the policy toward Israel… Continue reading

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Why Is It So Urgent to Try to Resolve the Israel-Palestinian Conflict?

Why? Of course, it would make sense to move ahead if it was clear that both sides wanted a deal and an agreement could easily be achieved. But in fact the Palestinian Authority (PA) doesn’t even want to negotiate… Continue reading

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Palestinians Turn to Europe for Recognition of State

Following the breakdown of direct talks with Israel, Palestinians have begun seeking international recognition of an independent state from European nations, CNN reported on Thursday… Continue reading

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PLO Secretary Yasser Abd Rabbo: Negotiations Are “a Useless Political Process”

Yasser Abd Rabbo, secretary of the PLO’s executive committee, claimed that Clinton’s speech was a repetition of familiar American positions. He claimed that negotiations between “occupier” and “occupied” were “a useless political process.” He said that the conflict would only… Continue reading

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Netanyahu: Talks should focus on ‘core issues’ that are at the root of the conflict

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the issue of settlements Monday as a “marginal” part of peace talks and said he was glad the United States had abandoned its demand for a renewed freeze… Continue reading

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Obama Ultimatum Makes Assad Responsible For Hizballah Violence In Lebanon

Early Friday, Oct. 8, senior US diplomat Frederic Hof landed in Damascus with a strong ultimatum from US President Barack Obama warning Syrian President Bashar Assad that he would be held personally responsible for military action Hizballah may pursue in Beirut or any other part of Lebanon… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu Calls On PA President And Leadership To Continue Peace Talks

In a statement issued by the PM’s Office, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on President Abbas and the Palestinian Authority leadership to continue the peace talks in order to reach an historic peace agreement within one year… Continue reading

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PLO says, No Talks Until Israel Halts Settlements

Direct talks with Israel will not resume unless it halts the building of Jewish settlements on occupied land, the Palestinian leadership said on Saturday… Continue reading

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Egyptian Foreign Minister Says Freeze is Not the Main Goal of Negotiations

“Whoever offered the idea to freeze settlements as a main goal and priority didn’t see the real goal of the negotiations, which is to define borders,” Ahmed Aboul Gheit told the London-based Arab newspaper al-Hayat in an interview… Continue reading

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European Union Foreign Policy Chief Urges Israel to Reinstate Settlement Freeze

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, rushed to the region for talks with Abbas and Netanyahu on Thursday and Friday, underscoring the sense of urgency. A U.S. emissary is also racing against the clock to salvage Mideast peace negotiations facing collapse because of a spat over Israeli settlements. The EU is part of the Middle East Quartet, which… Continue reading

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Hamas Continues to Criticize the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

Senior Hamas figures and the Hamas-affiliated media continued to attack Israel and the Palestinian Authority over the relaunching of direct negotiations and the PA security forces’ extensive detentions of Hamas operatives… Continue reading

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Why the Israel-Palestinian Talks Will Fail

The U.S. announcement inviting Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) for direct talks shows quite clearly, though unintentionally, why the talks will fail… Continue reading

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Russian President Meets Khaled Mashaal in Damascus

Before Israel’s president Shimon Peres had time to unpack his bags from his Moscow visit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was closeted with the Palestinian terrorist leader, Hamas’ Khaled Meshaal. Medvedev’s surprise meeting with the Hamas leadership was perceived as yet another slap in the face to both Washington and Jerusalem… Continue reading

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It Is A Clash Of Civilizations

In a SPIEGEL interview, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, discusses his country’s controversial settlement policies, the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program and the seeming hopelessness of the conflict with the Palestinians… Continue reading