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Netanyahu Warns Against Islamist Takeover of Egypt

Netanyahu warned that extreme Islamic radicals could take advantage of the upheaval in the country and gain control of Egypt, just as they did in Iran in 1979… Continue reading

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Germany Banned the anti-Israeli Movie “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine”

Germany banned the distribution of the anti-Israeli movie “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine,” which was supposed to premiere on January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day… Continue reading

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A Turkish Anti-Israeli movie: “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine”

A Turkish anti-Israeli film titled Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (to be released on January 28) portrays the Mavi Marmara incident as a premeditated attack by the IDF on innocent people… Continue reading

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Geneva Talks Revive Debate Over Recent Years’ Performance of Iran’s Nuclear Negotiators

A commentary article which spoke in favor of the Iranian negotiating team in the nuclear talks held earlier this month in Geneva provoked strong reactions from those close to Iran’s former chief negotiator… Continue reading

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Arab Refugees

Only a George Orwell or a Franz Kafka could have done justice to the story of the Arab refugee problem. For twenty years, the world has been indoctrinated with a vision of its origins, its scope, the responsibilities for its solution. The intent of this picture is, roughly, that in 1948 the Jewish people launched an… Continue reading

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Demonizing Israel and Pretending It Is Ordinary Criticism

This is getting to be a pretty common kind of story. The mayor of Frankfurt invites a Jewish intellectual whose family left Germany in 1932 to speak on the anniversary of Kristallnacht. The problem is that this man, Alfred Grosser, is a ferocious critic of Israel… Continue reading

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Iran Wants Recognition From The West As A Nuclear State

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast announced this week that Iran had repeatedly expressed willingness to resume negotiations with the West and had already clarified its position on the principles on which such negotiations should be based… Continue reading

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Iran Sets Conditions Ahead of Resumption of Talks With the West

President Ahmadinejad stated this week that Iran is willing to resume talks on its nuclear program with the G5+1 (United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany) if they are based on “dignity and justice”. That was the president’s reply to an announcement made by EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton according… Continue reading

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World Cup Teams Israelis and Palestinians Support

Without their own players in South Africa, Israelis and Palestinians are embracing international squads with the sort of passion usually reserved for the home team… Continue reading

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Europe’s Long Road to the Mosque: Muslim Immigration

How far will European societies go in accommodating a fast- growing minority that not only faces great difficulties with social and cultural integration but is to a considerable extent opposed to it… Continue reading

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Berlin, the Ayatollahs, and the Bomb

A nuclear bomb in the hands of an Iranian President who denies the Holocaust, threatens Israel and denies Israel the right to exist is not acceptable. Not only Israel but the entire free world is threatened… Continue reading

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World Cup Teams Israelis Can Support

In a semi-satirical overview, Gil Hoffman, writes about which World Cup teams Israelis can root against or whom to cheer. Israelis are known as rabid soccer fans… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada: an Overview

During the night of May 31 IDF forces took control of the aid flotilla to the Gaza Strip. Five ships were taken without exceptional incident. On the sixth ship, the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara, the IDF soldiers met with violent resistance… Continue reading

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The World’s Latest Anti-Israel Lies, Injustice, Bias, Prejudice, Hatred and Hypocrisy

The purpose of this Flotilla was not, of course, to help the Gazans but to get publicity for ending the blockade altogether, strengthening Hamas, and hitting at Israel… Continue reading

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It Is A Clash Of Civilizations

In a SPIEGEL interview, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, discusses his country’s controversial settlement policies, the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program and the seeming hopelessness of the conflict with the Palestinians… Continue reading

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There Can Be No Talk Of Genocide

In a SPIEGEL interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan discusses Ankara’s relationship with the European Union, the debate over genocide against the Armenians and his role as a mediator in the dispute over Iran’s nuclear policy… Continue reading

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The Armenian Genocide and The Turks

The month of April marks the 95th anniversary of the start of the Armenian genocide. Between 1915 and 1918, some 800,000 to 1.5 million people were murdered in what is now eastern Turkey, or died on death marches in the northern Syrian desert. It was one of the first genocides of the 20th century… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 4

The case of Sweden… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 1

This is the first of five installments of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia…. Continue reading

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McMahon – Husayn Correspondence (1915-1916)

At the awakening of Arab Nationalism and the start of the first World War (1914-1918), the European Governments attempted to gain the sympathies of the Arabs with promises of independence from the Ottoman Empire and other foreign powers… Continue reading