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“Hariri’s visit to Tehran will strengthen Tehran-Damascus-Beirut axis of resistance”

This week, Iranian media has devoted considerable attention to Lebanese PM Saad al-Hariri’s visit to Tehran, citing it as an example of rapprochement between Iran and Lebanon on the backdrop of the coming release of the… Continue reading

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Negative Reactions in Lebanon to Israeli Decision to Withdraw from Ghajar

The Lebanese government and Hezbollah greeted the Israeli decision with suspicion. Some also said that it would be incomplete if Israel did not also withdraw from the Shebaa Farms… Continue reading

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Cabinet Approves To Withdraw Unilaterally From Ghajar

Israel’s security cabinet on Wednesday morning approved a plan to withdraw IDF troops from the northern part of Ghajar and to redeploy the troops on the Israeli side [south] of the ‘Blue Line’… Continue reading

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Israel Plans To Withdraw Unilaterally From Ghajar

Israel’s security cabinet is expected Wednesday to endorse a plan to unilaterally withdraw the IDF from the northern part of Ghajar, an area where the boundaries between Israel, Syria and Lebanon are in dispute. Approval of the plan… Continue reading