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Can Assad’s Syria Survive Revolution?

How the Assad regime has managed to survive the revolution, for the time being and in contrast to other recent upheavals in the Middle East… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria

The Muslim Brotherhood was established in Syria in 1945 by disciples of Hassan al-Banna. At first it focused on educational and societal activities… Continue reading

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The Syrian Uprising: Turkish-Syrian Relations Go Downhill

As Syria sinks deeper and deeper into the throes of civil war, the decade-long honeymoon between Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party and Bashar al-Assad’s regime has all but ended… Continue reading

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The Syrian Uprising: The Muslim Brotherhood Reborn

As Syrian president Bashar al-Assad struggles to contend with a massive popular uprising, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood is poised to dominate whatever coalition of forces manages to unseat the Baathist regime… Continue reading

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Demography is Destiny in Syria

Among the second wave of Arab Spring uprisings that followed Tunisia, Syria was the most spectacular “out of the blue” that suddenly arose in the face of the media and analytic community… Continue reading

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Syria, Turkey and the Kurds

Bashar al-Assad is apparently aiming to destabilize Turkey… Continue reading

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Fouad Ajami: A Genuine Arab Hero

Edward Said is treated like a guru and hero; Fouad Ajami isn’t… Continue reading

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Syria: Dissidents Unite to Oust Assad

Twenty years ago, I was a school kid chanting with my peers, “Our leader forever, the father, Hafez Assad!” Back then, I could not have imagined… Continue reading

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Syria: Shattered Humanity inside Syria’s Security Apparatus

The young man was dangling upside down, white, foaming saliva dripping from his mouth… Continue reading

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Hamas’ Difficult Position on the Syrian Revolt

Hamas has found itself in a predicament over the clash between its solidarity with Muslim Brotherhood elements in Syria interested in toppling… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: “Syria is not in the pocket of anybody”

Summing up a lengthy presentation on Syria’s 30-year relationship with Iran, Muallim [Syria’s foreign minister] asserted Syria’s position was motivated by… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Ongoing Concerns about Syrian Behavior

Even as the U.S. take specific steps the U.S. will continue to have ongoing concerns about Syrian behavior that have not gone away because of a change in administrations… Continue reading

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The movement, which espoused a Palestinian nationalist ideology in which Palestine would be liberated by the actions of Palestinians, was founded in 1958 or 1959 by members of the Palestinian… Continue reading

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Hadrian’s Curse – The Invention Of Palestine

Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called “Palestine” after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi calls for Jihad on Switzerland and Zionists

It’s no surprise that in his call for Jihad on Switzerland, he also mentions the zionists (meaning Israel) as enemies of Islam. As a militant Islamic leader he has no sympathy for Israel or zionists and takes… Continue reading

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Palestine: a Threat to Israel

What, exactly, are the major strategic risks to Israel posed by an independent Palestine? To answer this question, one must first understand that several of the Arab states are still preparing for war with Israel, and that a new Arab state in Judea/Samaria/Gaza would open another hot border for the Jewish state… Continue reading

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UN Security Council Resolution 242

Resolution 242 is the cornerstone for what it calls “a just and lasting peace.” It calls for a negotiated solution based on “secure and recognized boundaries” – recognizing the flaws in Israel’s previous temporary borders – the 1948 Armistice lines or the “Green Line” – by not calling upon Israel to withdraw from ‘all occupied territories,’ but rather “from territories occupied.”… Continue reading