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Europe’s Jihad Against Israel

For the past nine decades and more, Arabs and Muslims, with 56 Muslim states in the OIC, have been waging jihad to destroy the one and only state of the Jews. Now, with UN Resolution 2334, the UN, with the enthusiastic manipulations of Barack Obama and the backing of most European leaders, is complicit in this jihad against Israel… Read more

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The Eternal Liberation Movement

When we assess the global nature of the current assault on Jewish freedom and sovereignty in our country, we see that the Jewish fight for freedom is an eternal struggle… Continue reading

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Hamas: Its Nazi Ideology and Record

The father of Palestinian nationalism, Amin el Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was the Brotherhood’s official representative in British Mandatory Palestine. He was a close collaborator with Nazi Germany at the highest levels, including Adolf Hitler… Continue reading

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What happened at Deir Yassin?

In 1948, the Arab village Deir Yassin, was attacked by Irgun and Lehi freedom fighters and during this attack civilians allegedly were massacred. What really happened on april 9th 1948 and before… Continue reading