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Barack Hearts Bibi

We have entered into a new period of U.S. policy toward Israel for the Obama Administration. Basically, President Barack Obama needs Israel, requires its cooperation, and is eager to get along with… Continue reading

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Historical Speech at the White House Sept 01, 2010

Historical speech of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu about achieving peace in the Middle East following bilateral meetings and a working dinner at the White House, september 01, 2010… Continue reading

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Hamas marks 22nd anniversary with pledge to Liberate whole of Palestine

We will never give up on a Palestine from the river to the sea… It is not enough for Hamas to liberate Gaza… Hamas strives to liberate all of Palestine… Hamas looks toward the whole of Palestine, the liberation of the strip is just a step to liberating all of Palestine… Ahmadinejad said Iran doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to exist… Continue reading