On June 11, 2011 Somali police reported that Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, one of Africa’s most wanted al-Qaeda operatives, was killed… Continue reading
An Iranian delegation participated in events held by the IHH in Istanbul on the anniversary of the Marmara flotilla… Continue reading
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in his Damascus speech on Wednesday that foreign conspirators are responsible for the ongoing… Continue reading
Iran’s conservative press blamed Western countries for the political crisis in Lebanon, saying they derailed the Syrian-Saudi initiative which attempted to find a solution to… Continue reading
Nearly six years after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, prosecutor Daniel Bellemare has submitted the long-awaited results of an international investigation… Continue reading
Hezbollah would likely shoot between 400 and 600 missiles a day into Israel during a future war, a senior Mossad official told a congressional delegation to Israel in 2009, according to a US diplomatic cable published on Sunday… Continue reading
Israel’s army chief told a US Congress delegation in late 2009 he was preparing for a large war in the Middle East, probably against Hamas or Hezbollah, leaked US diplomatic cables showed on Sunday… Continue reading
As of December 28, the members of the Asian convoy, which left India on December 5, are still in the Syrian port of Latakia. The convoy now has 160 activists, of whom 15 are Lebanese and 35 Jordanian. It is carrying 200 tons of humanitarian assistance and food, including… Continue reading
When an unidentified plane crashed into the desert in northern Mali in November 2009, it was immediately suspected of smuggling cocaine from Latin America. The west African route to the lucrative European markets had been growing in… Continue reading
De Arabische Liga plaatste Steven Spielberg en zijn Righteous Persons Foundation op de zwarte lijst vanwege Spielbergs donatie aan Israël tijdens de Israël-Hezbollah oorlog in de zomer van 2006. Dit blijkt uit een op WikiLeaks… Lees verder
Als er één positief aspect genoemd kan worden over Cablegate, zoals de gelekte documenten op WikiLeaks ook wel genoemd worden, dan is het wel dat de documenten onverbiddelijk de realiteit weergeven van het diplomatieke krachtenspel in het Midden Oosten… Lees verder
Imad Mughniyeh was één van de meest gezochte terroristen ter wereld. De Israëlische Mossad, de CIA, het Franse SGDN en andere inlichtingendiensten waren méér dan 20 jaar op zoek naar de man die een lange lijst van terroristische aanslagen op zijn CV had staan: bomaanslagen, moorden en ontvoeringen… Lees verder
Delegitimization is a political, economic and philosophic campaign aimed at reversing the right of the State of Israel to exist and denying the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their homeland… Continue reading
De Libanese regering heeft Westerse landen vlak vóór het uitbreken van de straatgevechten tussen het Libanese leger en de Hezbollah-beweging in Beiroet [begin mei 2008] geïnformeerd dat Hezbollah een geheim modern communicatienetwerk, betaald door “Iran Telecom”, gebruikte… Lees verder
This week, Iranian media has devoted considerable attention to Lebanese PM Saad al-Hariri’s visit to Tehran, citing it as an example of rapprochement between Iran and Lebanon on the backdrop of the coming release of the… Continue reading
Op 17 Augustus 2007 had Meir Dagan, hoofd van de Israëlische Mossad, een ontmoeting met Nicholas Burns, toenmalig staatssecretaris buitenlandse zaken van de VS tijdens de Bush-regering. Gedurende de ontmoeting werden verschillende ontwikkelingen in het Midden Oosten… Lees verder
Latest Comments
Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....